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Im so so sorry this is late and by late I mean extremely late. I was so busy over Christmas and the last couple months have been hectic but I'm just finishing this story now. What was supposed to be a Christmas tale ended up being longer than expected but Thankyou for continuing to read and stay with me

"Daddy, where's mummy?"

Serkan smiled sat next to his little girl as they drove home. After last night Eda had wanted to surprise Kiraz so after they had been to the doctors appointment this morning showing that indeed Eda's memory was coming back, a few things still missing but she remembered them.

"She's at home my little angel, she was a little tired" he smiled keeping his eyes on the road.

Kiraz slumped down in her seat.

"What's wrong sweet girl?" Serkan brushed her hair noticing her face change with a hint of sadness.

"She'll never remember will she? I...I just miss mummy" she sniffled , her eyes beginning to tear.

He felt so bad that he couldn't tell her yet, he had promised Eda he wouldn't say anything until they were home.

"It's Christmas honey. Miracles happen at Christmas" when they were at a red light he leaned over to kiss her head.

"Daddy it's Christmas Eve Eve. We usually make ginger bread houses tonight and have hot chocolate" she went quiet "and mummy usually reads me the Christmas carol" she sighed again.

"I'm sure mummy will still read it to you"

She just nodded keeping her eyes down.

A few minutes passed when Serkan pulled up to their drive way and noticed Kiraz was still looking down.

"Honey,we're home. I think someone's visited" Serkan slowed the car and pointed at their house.

Lights beamed from the floor to the roof, fake snow was scattered everywhere like Santas grotto.

Kiraz saddened face lit up as she looked out the window.

"Quick daddy!" She was jumping in her seat.

He stopped the car and came round to take her hand as she pulled him "it's beautiful!" She smiled from ear to ear.

Rushing into the house Kiraz stopped when it looked even more amazing indoors. She ran round before stopping in the front room where the Christmas tree was lit up with a tray of hot chocolate , a gingerbread house and her Christmas carol book.

"Kiraz" a voice said behind her.

She turned seeing Eda crouched down.

"Mummy?" She whispered hesitantly.

"Merry Christmas my little Angel" Edas eyes began to tear with happiness.

Kiraz noticed her change, she walked towards her and placed her little hands on Edas cheek.

"Mummy. Are you okay? Do you...." She stopped herself from asking.

"Everything my sweet daughter" Edas hands cupped Kiraz Face.

"Every diaper change,Every late night, Every story book and Every moment you've called me mummy" she smiled.

She lost her balance a little but welcomed it as Kiraz threw herself into Edas arms.

"I've missed you so much mummy" she cried with happiness as Eda buried her face into her little neck and cried also.

"I'm so sorry my baby. I'm so sorry" she repeated before Kiraz pulled back.

"It's okay mummy. I know I was here all along" she pointed to her heart.

Serkan watched from the doorway smiling with tears in his eyes also before he joined them. His arms wrapped around them both, placing a kiss on Kiraz forehead then Edas.

"Now. What day is it today Kiraz?" He reminded her

"Christmas Eve Eve" Kiraz and Eda responded in unison.

"And that means..." he trailed

Kiraz jumped down grabbing both her parents hands and pulling them

"Chocolate, gingerbread and Christmas carol night" she beamed.

"But we don't have to do that. As long as I get to cuddle you both all night that I all I need" she hugged them both.

"We love you baby. We can do whatever you want"

"Yay!" Kiraz picked up her hot chocolate causing laughter from her parents as the whipped cream cause her to have a moustache.

"Go put your Christmas pyjamas on and then we can cuddle for the night with our hot chocolate and how about we watch the Christmas carol tonight instead of reading hmm?" Serkan asked

Kiraz nodded and ran upstairs to change.

Serkan looked at Eda , his arms wrapping around her waist.

"I think that went very well Mrs Bolat" their noses touched.

"I think it did Mr Bolat. Now shall we get ready for a long evening with our daughter and then we can have a repeat of last night" her hands played with the hair on the back of his neck.

"Hmm sounds good to me. Have I told you I missed you" his lips brushed hers

"Hmm even without my memory I loved you. In every life I will always love you" she brought their lips together in a slow sensual kiss.

"And I you" he murmured before they joined again.

The moment Last all of five minutes before their daughter reappeared "tada! I'm ready" she ran to them and Serkan lifted her to his arms peppering her face with kisses. Eda joined by tickling her , little giggles being heard throughout the house.

And so their Christmas continued. A memory regained, a family put back together and a love never forgotten.

So we have come to the end of our story. I will be posting an epilogue in the couple couple hours so leave those comments , votes and Thankyou all again for staying with me during this Christmas journey. Love to you all!!


A Forgotten Christmas Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang