Forgotten time

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Sorry guys once again been a crazy week so haven't had much time. Thankyou for the lovely comments and voting so glad you guys are enjoying it. Like I said there will probably be around ten chapters to this story. Just a little fic but then I will return to first time which will be longer. Enjoy the new chapter



What a strange week it's been. First I wake up to not remembering the last six years and have to be reminded of certain things by a complete stranger, a very handsome stranger, but still a stranger. Well I guess not because he turned out to be my husband and I had just forgotten the completely, the memories I have with him. Oh and to add to it I have a daughter, a living being who is the most gorgeous, sensitive, thoughtful and smartest little thing in the world and she's mine and Serkans. I'm going crazy. It's been a week of ups and downs and I think slowly I've remembered little things. Not clear enough to tell Serkan but little flashes when I spend time with them either separately or together. I can feel them in my heart all the time. The other day Kiraz fell over in the garden and I could feel that something had happened before even knowing, it's a strange but wonderful feeling being a mum, but I feel so terrible that I have forgotten my own child. What mother forgets her own child? Me apparently. Serkan explained how I came to losing my memory and how we had planned to do so much as it was Christmas season, I guess that part of me didn't get forgotten because I still love Christmas I guess having them in my life just made me live it more. This week we've spent trying to focus on the traditions and making Kiraz feel as if I haven't completely forgotten her. Serkans taken the back seat on trying to make me remember him but things he does or the way he looks at me sometimes makes my heart beat a thousand times per second and I can feel my face burning when he touches or brushes past me. I want to remember them, my heart does but my mind, it's struggling.


Eda woke that morning to a small body shifting beside her. Opening her eyes to the slightly lit room she noticed brown tousled hair and a little body positions against hers. Looking she smiled and brushed the hair away from Kiraz face. A slight knock sound at her bedroom door. Serkan hadn't tried pushing Eda into coming back to their room but that didn't mean they hadn't been flirting through the week or making longer than necessary eye contact. The attraction was beyond anything Eda remembered but she guessed that's why she was married to the man and had a child with him. If they had done this before she had no doubt she'd do it again even if she didn't remember him for the rest of her life she'd happily make new me memories with these two beautiful humans she got to call hers.

"Come in" she called in a whispered tone.

Serkan appeared at the door, right T-shirt and sweatpants holding a tray with breakfast on.

Approaching them both he sat on the bed and placed the tray down.

"I did wonder where Kiraz was when I could t find her in her bed" he brushed his daughters cheek.

Stretching her little arms Kiraz moaned.

"Daddy you talk to loud in the morning"

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