"Bring the sneaky Fae in then"

"Wipe that smirk off your whore face and shut the fuck up" Aston says, noticing my smirk "Anyways, I'll have the guards grab Thayer. But just be careful, he's a High Fae and might even be a Lord. But regardless, he's powerful."

I nod thoughtfully at this, when I met Dahlia's mate the few times I did, I did notice the power rolling off him. I never bothered to ask, which may seem careless as an alpha, but I never got any sense of ill-will from him. I also know Dahlia personally, we were good friends growing up, and she's a good person. I can count on one hand how many outsiders I let in and out of my pack and they're part of them.

I'm still thinking when Amara comes in, my sisters and Cici in tow. They're all laughing, and when I hear Amara's laugh I let out a sigh of relief, thankful reality hasn't hit her the same way it hit me being home.

"Hello, mate." I purr as she walks up to me and I pull her into my lap, kissing her shoulder as she giggles

"Hello, Alpha. How I've missed you." she says, her green eyes twinkling "me and the girls are going to hit the shops in the territory. Given that Violet is here, expect me back after you're already in bed since she'll have to stop and talk to every single person there."

"I can hear you, you know!" Violet huffs

"You were meant to" Amara shoots back, getting off my lap and pulling me in for a kiss. I get up with her and walk over to the other side of my desk, hugging my sisters.

"Well, I have a surprise for you, so why don't you wait another hour" I say back to my mate.

Indeed I did have a surprise for her, fearing that she'll go back into a dark hole when we got home, I stole her friend Sophie's number from her phone and contacted her. She was more than willing to come see Amara. A couple omega's and warriors are on their way with her this second.

"Oh?" she says

She's about to say something else when the door opens and Thayer walks in with Dahlia. Immediately Dahlia's eyes find mine and they light up. Ah fuck.

"Roman! It's been too long!" Dahlia says running up to me and hugging me. As expected, she's met with a feral growl from Amara, who I can guarantee is fighting to hold back her black misty eyes, giving her away.

"Get. Your. Hands. Off. My. Mate" Amara says, calmly. Too calm.

Dahlia's face pales, and she turns around, throwing her hands up. Shit, I never even spoke to Amara about Dahlia, with the mate bond still new, her possessive instincts of her mate will still be on high alert. Seeing a female she doesn't know, who I've never spoken about, touching me would send off red flags.

"Who are you?" Amara growls

"My name is Dahlia, I'm just an old friend, nothing more! I'm sorry, I didn't know Alpha Roman was mated. My mate is right behind you, we're just old friends"

Amara instantly blushes and takes a couple deep breaths before letting out a small, embarrassed chuckle.

"Sorry, I don't know what came over me...I'm Amara, I'm new to this pack. Roman and I just found out we were mates." she says to Dahlia

"I'm Dahlia, I used to be a part of this pack. I left when I found my mate, me and Roman grew up together. I'm sorry again for being so thoughtless."

"No, no. I shouldn't have reacted so harshly-"

"It's your instinct! When I met my mate, I nearly ripped his own sister's head off for touching his shoulder. It's normal, don't worry about it!" Dahlia interrupts Amara, who laughs nervously again, before she looks behind her at a deathly pale Thayer.

"Mother of Mimir, it's true" Thayer whispers, so softly that if it weren't for our heightened senses, we wouldn't have heard it.

Instantly, I pull Amara into my arms and Aston steps in front of her, simultaneously putting Cici on his other side behind him. The women in the room look nothing short of confused, while Thayer takes a step back. I size the male in front of me up. Indeed, he radiates power and he's not just a High Fae, but he's certainly a Lord. I can't say I'm surprised, Dahlia is a strong witch, so there's no doubt she would have a strong mate.

"I mean no harm, Alpha Roman. I came to speak to you about the damage we repaired...but I did not expect to meet the tribrid here." Thayer says

"The what? What shit is your crazy fae ass on?" Violet growls at Thayer, which is immediately answered by a warning growl from Dahlia

I speak up, taking control of the conversation before this gets ugly.

"Everyone, quiet. Thayer, what do you know of the tribrid?" I say with deathly calm, stepping slightly in front of Amara just incase he decides to pull some shit.

"Roman. What the fuck are you talki-" Violet says but I cut her off

'Violet. Enough. I promise I will fill you in later. Just please, stay silent for now.' I say via mindlink, and she's instantly quiet. Probably because she can see my mask of indifference and the power I now allowed to radiate off me. I motion for the guards who escorted Thayer to leave. They comply, and shut the door behind them.

"There are many legends on the tribrid, Alpha Roman, especially in the Fae literature. That's actually why I came to speak to you, when I healed your land... the power I felt behind the destruction..." he trails off for a second before picking back up, now speaking confidently "That power was...noticeable. It makes perfect sense now. I take it she is to remain hidden?"

"Yes." I say coldly, but also in warning

"Good. Alpha Roman, I don't know what you know of Fae prophecies, but we have an otherworldly sense. Your mate...she is sought after. Not by Fae, no. by vampires. The Fae value peace and serenity above all else, and the tribrid...she's been long awaited. There is literature from centuries ago speaking of her reign. It is foretold that when she comes into power, there will be great destruction, not by her, but by those who seek her power. She is by all means, the queen of the Earth realm." he says calmly

I pause for a moment, digesting what he says. Amara is pale, Serena's and my sister's mouths are hanging open, and Dahlia is wide eyed-stepping back with her hands over her throat-while Aston has the same mask of stone I have on. I don't say anything, sizing up the powerful Fae before me, honing in my senses on him.

"And why are you so willingly divulging this information?" I say

"As I said, we Fae have an otherworldly sense. We also believe in the literature written by the messengers of the Gods and Goddesses themselves. The tribrid was said to be a benevolent being. Meaning no harm, but with the power to end the Earth realm as we know it. Not only that, but she is said to bring peace to the Fae. Us and the vampires have been at odds for many, many years. A few invitations on one another here and there, but not outright war, not yet. But there will be, and your mate will be the one who settles that. Please, let's discuss this. The Fae literature and foretellings are unmatched through any other species. Even the demons" he says to me, calmly and politely, but with enough of a bite that I know he knows what I am.

I continue to size him up, and weigh his words. I sense nothing but truth from him, I look into my mind, making sure my mental shields are up, and when I find them untouched, I meet his eyes.

"Have a seat then. Let's discuss what you know" I say coldly to Thayer.

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