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chapter six: grave digging
1.02, second chance at first line

     Spencer, Scott, and Stiles all sat in the oldest Stilinski's jeep. Waiting for the werewolf to leave his house, we'll his burnt house.

Watching as Derek Hale gets into his black Camaro, his lights lighting up the leaf covered ground. Stiles pulls up as Derek leaves. Getting out of the Jeep, Spencer follows after the two boys, as they carried shovels, Scott seems confused as he hands Spencer the flashlight, "Wait, something's different." Scott tells the two.

The three continue to walk, "Different how?" Stiles asks, Spencer shines the light on the burnt down Hale house, it was oddly familiar, like she'd been in the house before, but couldn't put her finger on it. "I don't know." Scott answers, walking over to the spot where dirt had been filled in and the grass hadn't grow back yet.

Spencer sighs, "Let's just get this over with." She tells the two, seeing as they were the ones who had the shovels, the two get started digging, Spencer shining the flashlight down at the hole, so they could see where they were digging.


     Spencer had been watching the two boys dig for about 30 minutes, and they had made some good progress, but they still hadn't touched the body. Scott stops, looking around, "This is taking way too long." Scott states.

"Just keep going." Stiles tells him, continuing to shovel, "Oh, and Spencer, you could help." Stiles tells her. Spencer looks at him in disbelief, "With what shovel?" She basically yells. Stiles nods, "Yep, probably should've thought before speaking." Stiles nods, going back to the digging.

Spencer rolls her eyes, "That's the problem, you never do." Spencer says, looking off into the distance in the woods. She hated being out in the woods, in the dark. No, she wasn't afraid of the dark, but she was afraid of what's in it.

"She got you there." Scott comments, a small smile on his face,  "Also, what if he comes back?" Scott asks, looking over at Stiles "Then we get the hell out of here." Stiles states. "He's a werewolf, he'll catch us." Spencer speaks up, Scott pointing back to her in  agreement.

Stiles throws the dirt behind him, "I have a plan for that." He says, continuing to dig at the dirt, "Which is?" Scott asks, Stiles leans up, throwing dirt to the side, turning to look at Scott, "You run one way, I run the other, Spencer stays here to distract him. Whoever he catches first, too bad." Stiles tells the two.

"Oh, so you're leaving me for death." Spencer comments, looking around their surroundings again, rolling her eyes at her brother. Scott shakes his head, "I hate that plan." He tells the Stilinski in the whole with him. Hitting something, "All right. Stop, stop, stop!" Stiles comments, his arm reaching over and stopping Scott.

Throwing his shovel on the side of the hole, leaning down, he begins to dig with his hands. Spencer leans off the house and walks closer to the boys, Scott as well getting down on his hands and knees and digging. They find a bag with knots tied around it, "Hurry." Scott says, "I'm trying." Stiles tells him, "Did he have to tie the thing in like 900 knots?" Stiles asks, continuing to untie the knots.

"I'll do it." Scott says, working on the other side of the bag, until the last knot is untied and they open up the tarp, "Ahhh!" The boys scream, jumping of the hole. Spencer walks closer getting a glimpse at the other half of the girls body. It was now a wolf. "What the hells is that?" Stiles asks

Spencer looks at him like he's crazy, "It's a wolf dumbass." Spencer tells him. "Yeah, I can see that." Stiles says, turning to Scott, "I thought you said you smelled blood? As in human blood?" He questions, Scott looks over at his friend, "I told you something was different." Scott tells him.

"This doesn't make sense." Stiles says, "We've got to get out of here." Scott tells him, Stiles nods eagerly, and gets into a crouching position, looking across the grave, she sees a flower. "Yeah, okay, help me cover this up." Stiles says, Spencer slowly walks around the boys, "Spence, where you going?" Stiles asks, as Spencer continues to point the flashlight at the flower.

"Spence, what's wrong?" Scott asks, "You see this flower?" Spencer asks, pointing down at the flower at her feet, Scott nods, not knowing why'd he'd care. Looking over at Stiles, he sees he's also interested by it. "What about it?" Scott asks, looking back over to Spencer.

Spencer bends down, "I thinks it's wolfs bane." Spencer says, "What's that?" Scott questions.  Stiles can't help but scoff incredulously at Scott's ignorance,
"Uh... haven't you ever seen The Wolf Man?" Stiles asks, Scott shakes his head. "No?" He adds on in a questioning tone.

"Lon Chaney, Junior? Claude Rains?" Stiles asks, eyebrows raised, Scott shakes his head again, more impatiently, and Stiles becomes even more exasperated, "The original, classic Werewolf movie?" Scott, believing they're wasting time, sighs and impatiently reiterates his previous answer, "No!" Stiles makes a face at him, and Scott loses his patience.

"What?" Scott asks, Stiles shakes his head, completely appalled by Scott's ignorance regarding cinematic classics. "You are so unprepared for this." Stiles comments, Spencer pulls the plant, only for it to come up by the roots and noticing that the base of the plant has more twine rope tied around it, which is also buried underground. She gently pulls up the rope, which has randomly placed wolfsbane petals attached at various points along the length of it, only to find it is connected to the bundle of burlap around the wolf's head, the long length of it buried around the grave in a spiral pattern which glows red as Spencer unravels it.

Scott looks at the twins with a skeptical expression, confused as to why they're wasting their time with this, when suddenly, he looks down and is startled back onto his feet by what he finds in the grave, "Stiles... Spence..." he trails off, Stiles looks down and sees what Scottis staring at.

Spencer looks over at the two staring in the grave with a shocked expression, so she walks over to where Scott and Stiles are standing so she can see it from Scott and Stiles's vantage point. When she follows the twos line of sight, she yelps and jumps back a step, grabbing Scott's shoulder with her left hand to steady herself. "Oh!"

In the grave, where the upper half of the human female body that Scott had originally seen in the woods the night he was bitten stares blankly up at them. Stiles gasps in shock.


And that's the end of this chapter, sorry episode 2 is taking so many chapters, but I've been trying something different with my books, so there are more chapters. And next chapter should be the end of episode 2, so yay!!

Anyways, how was your guys days? Bye my lovelies!!

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