28. Trains

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We get on a cruise.
"Honestly, the hardest part is gonna be security, alright? So most of the guys are gonna be at the rail yard."
"So we're gonna need to find some place and guard it."
"You guys are getting ahead of yourselves, per usual. We don't have a way to transport the cross." Cleo says. "What you think? On JJ's motorcycle?"
"That's not my fault." JJ says.

"Oh my god." Sarah says sitting up.
"What?" I ask turning. I see Topper.
"Is that Topper?"
"Why is he everywhere?" Kie asks.
"Hey Jayj. I bet you, Topper has a way to transport the cross." Pope says.
"He does have a rig."
"No. Absolutely not."
"Sarah, you already got him whipped anyway. So why don't you just take one for the team?"
"What would John B say?" Sarah asks.
"I think John B would completely understand." Pope says.
"Just don't tell Topper you're married." I say. Sarah gives me a look. I smile.
"Please." Kie tries. Sarah sighs.
"We have no other option." I add.

Sarah gets up and goes to talk to him.

We watch as they talk.
"We think she can do this?" Cleo asks.
"He's still like in love with her so yes." I say.

They hug and she gives us a thumbs up.
"She did it." I whisper.

We get off at Wilmington and climb on the trains.
"There's a lot of trains."
"Well, we know it's car 750X on the track to Raleigh."
"Yeah, so now we just gotta find it." JJ says.
"Well uh, news flash. We're not getting out of here unnoticed with a giant cross."
"We won't have to. We can nab it somewhere further in the country. We just gotta figure out how to stop the train." Pope says.
"Leave that to me." JJ says.

"How you gonna do that?" Cleo asks.
"I got an uncle up in New Bern, right? When he got tipsy he'd just throw an old chain across the tracks, just for shits and giggles. And the old chain would stop all the train traffic in Costal Carolina."
"A chain?" I ask.
"He's actually right. There's a low voltage current that runs across all train tracks. Throw a chain on it, you close that circuit. It would read as another train. Crossing lights come down. Science is actually pretty sound."
"I knew my science."
"Yet, you still didn't pass." I say smiling at him softly. He returns it.

"Well, we don't have a chain." Sarah says.
"No, but I bet Toppers dad has jumper cables in the  truck."
"That would work."

"Are we doing this or what?" Topper yells.
"Me and Pope will go look for it and send me a signal once we find it." Cleo says.
"So we actually have a plan right now?"
"Seems so." I say.
"Let's not jinx it."

They climb down while we wait.

We can see Pope climbing on one. He flashes his light at us.
"That's it." I say getting up.

The train starts moving.
"Shit." I mutter.

We get down.

"Do you have jumper cables?" Sarah asks Topper.
"This is illegal. I'm not okay with this."
"That's fine. If you don't wanna go we can take the truck."
"Hey, I just wanna make sure everyone here is okay with ending up in federal prison."
"Uh if it gets to that, yeah, I'll do it for Pope." JJ says.
"Second that." I say.

They get in the car while JJ and I get on his motorcycle.

We get the cable and run out.
"Come on!" I yell.
"Let's fry this fucker."

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