~Day 25: Mr and Mrs.~

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"FUCK!!" Nightmare yelled in frustration as he reads the letter sent to him by some arrogant nobles. It said that they will pay him a visit as they are high ranking nobles who "needed" to know every kingdom in the lands

Killer placed a hand over the King's shoulder "Calm down boss, I'm pretty sure we can make a facade for them to believe. Well, until they leave.." his voice trails off thinking of any plan that'll work

"Your majesty?" a voice emitted making both turn to where the voice came and saw a maid standing by the door way "I couldn't help but eavesdrop on your conversation, but I think I and the other servants might have a plan that can help you"

Nightmare sighed in annoyance and nodded at the maid "Then do proceed"

"From the rumors that we have gathered, nobles tend to prefer "Empires" seeming that it is a sign of great power. Making a facade that this is a powerful Empire is our only choice for this plan to work"

The King thought for a moment before answering, "Alright then, fine. Go around and spread the plan, everyone must know" the maid bowed but before leaving "I shall inform you some more of this plan your majesty" then she fully exited the throne room

After a while, the word had already spread far and wide. Everyone was already taking part in this act since they didn't want to deal with shit

The gang were selected to be 'knights' seeming that they are quite close to the King, but I can't say luck was on Killer's side

With no other options left, Killer was selected to wear a dress. Despite him being the King's righthand man, though Killer had no other choice. And also since there were no other jewelries, Killer had to wear a crown, specifically, the crown Nightmare keeps safe away from anyone

Oh and did I mention that he's forced by the maids to 'become' female? And by that I mean Killer has to crossdress. Like they all had any other choices

After a lot of complaints and forcing, Killer now looks like a high ranking lady. Even some didn't even believe that, that lady is Killer!

"I am starting to disagree on this plan" Killer walks inside the throne room and all eyes were oh him, well for now 'her'

The gang stared at Killer with a confused and disbelief faces. Just then a maid entered as well "Your majesty, I have more information to tell you" the other's attention latched onto the maid and ready to listen "Proceed" said the King

"Since everyone decided to literally join in on this facade, it would be easier to trick them. Firstly the knights, since your subordinates had been chosen as some of the knights, I suggest them guarding private areas of the castle, for example, the throne room"

"Well what about me then?" Killer pouted in annoyance "You're the one his majesty trusts the most, standing beside him wouldn't make much of a difference, but if it does, play along" Killer huffed in irritation and just agreed

He then faced Nightmare with a little bit of confusion in his face "And also, why do I have to wear this crown? I thought you didn't want me to wear it, unless~?"

"Shut up Killer. You'll be wearing that only for the meantime, after this I will take back the crown" Nightmare said while trying to hide the small tint of blush on his face and glared at Killer who is just smiling deviously

Soon after, the nobles had arrived. A very fancy carriage pulled up in the front of the castle and out came 5 humans, and oh boy did Nightmare got irritated quickly

The nobles introduced themselves in high pride and in a very cocky manner, irritating the King even more

Once they noticed Killer standing beside the King "And this must be your Mrs. your highness" that sentence alone made Killer's magic boil in anger

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