~Chapter Thirteen~

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The weekend went by really fast. Kirishima and I spent pretty much the entire weekend together. We watched movies, played video games, went shopping, and made out. You know, the usual couple activities. Sunday was just kind of a more relaxed day, we stayed in my room and laid in bed all day. Kirishima wasn't feeling the best so we stayed in. I guess there's a stomach bug going around or something.

This morning when we woke up to my alarms, Kiri still wasn't feeling well.

"I'm not going to class. I still feel like hell." He said.

"Do you want me to stay with you? I don't mind."

"No, go to class, I'll be alright. Besides, I need someone to bring my classwork back."

"Alright. I promise as soon as I get back from school we can go right back to cuddling." I said.

"Good." He gave me a small smile, "I'm gonna head to my room until you get back."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too." He said before heading out and over to his own room. I got dressed in my school uniform and then headed down to the common area. Mina, and a few of my other classmates, were already down there.

"Where's Kiri?" Mina asked when she only saw me.

"He's still not feeling good. He's staying back today."

"Poor kid, I hope he feels better soon." MIna frowned.

"Me too." I nodded. He'll be fine. It's just a stomach bug. He'll probably be over it by tomorrow.

Classes went by so slowly. Life was boring without Kirishima around. I was texting him throughout the day, but never got any answer, which isn't exactly surprising. He was probably asleep. I know I sleep more when I'm sick.

When lunch rolled around I sat at the table with the rest of the group.

"Any word from Kirishima?" Sero asked.

"No. He's probably asleep. I think I'm gonna make him some soup after school. I found a good recipe a while ago that I've been wanting to try out anyways."

"Ooh, yeah! Can we help?" MIna asked.

"Sure, it'd be nice to have some help chopping up some stuff."

"Perfect. I can run to the store to get stuff, just send me a list of what we need." Kaminari asked. I started typing down ingredients for it into our texts. I also added on gatorade and some meds to help him as well.

"I appreciate the help, you know." I said.

"We know. We care about him too, so we wanna help as much as we can." MIna said. I smiled a bit. I love him, and I'm glad he has so many people who care about him as much as I do.


On the walk back to the dorms, we talked over one more time about who was going to do what.

"Okay so, we're making soup. Denki is getting everything, Me and Mina are going to start setting up what we already have. You're going to go up right away and check on him?" Sero tried to get everything straight.

"Yep, sounds about right." I nodded.

"Perfect. Are we gonna set up a movie or something too? I know I like sitting around and watching movies when I'm sick." Mina suggested.

"What movie?" Kaminari asked.

"I don't know. I was thinking maybe we could turn Disney on." She shrugged.

"That works. I'll meet you guys in the common room in a bit." I said as we walked into the dorm building. I walked straight upstairs to our floor and went right to his room. I knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. I didn't want to just barge in. I did this three times before I said fuck it and walked in anyways.

I didn't see him in the main part of his room, so I figured maybe he was in the bathroom. The bathroom door was wide open, so I went in. I broke down when I realized what I was looking at.. I saw Kirishima laying in his tub in a pool of blood. He wasn't moving, but I was too scared to get any closer. His arms were shredded. You could see the skin on his arms practically falling off. I pulled out my phone and called Mr.Aizawa.

"Bakugo?" He answered. He definitely wasn't expecting a call from me right after school ended.

"Get to Kirishima's room. P-please..." I was starting to panic

"I'm on my way. Take a deep breath...what's going on?"


"I need you to breathe, Bakugo." He said.

"I walked into his room and...blood...lots of it. He's not moving." I choked out between sobs.

"Alright, I'll be there in literally two minutes. I'll get an ambulance here. Stay there." He said. The line went dead and I dropped my phone. I sat there outside the bathroom, too scared to even be in there.

Mr.Aizawa was there within two minutes, like he said he would be.

"Oh my god..." I heard him whisper.

"He has to be okay...I need him to be okay..." I cried. I was losing control of my breathing. Mr.Aizawa tended to Kirishima until paramedics were there a few minutes later. While they were with him, he came to me and tried to calm me down.

"Listen to my voice. Follow my counts and breathe." He said calmly. He started counting slowly. I tried to listen to him, but I couldn't. How could I calm down when my boyfriend was in the state he's in? I lost control.

I started to panic more when I felt my face and hands get cold and start tingling. Last thing I knew my vision was going out on me and I slumped to the floor.

~Word Count~

Red - Depressed Kirishima x BakugoWhere stories live. Discover now