~Chapter Eight~

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The next morning when my alarm went off, Kirishima and I both woke up to it. He ended up crashing in my room after we finished talking. Not that I minded. I actually really enjoyed having him in here with me.

I noticed right away when Kirishima woke up that today was going to be a rough day for him.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just...sometimes talking about it makes a depressive episode flare up."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"No, it needed to be talked about. I'll be okay, really." He tried to reassure me. I was going to keep a close eye on him.

He headed over to his room so he could get dressed for class, and so I could get dressed. I was texting Mina as I got dressed though.


Bakugo; So, we talked about it. I was right. He really wasn't okay. He came and talked about all of it.

Mina; Good. Is there anything I can help with? I'm sure he really doesn't want me knowing about any of this but, I'll help however I can.

Bakugo; Just keep an eye on him. He's in a bit of a depressed mood this morning. I guess talking about it really took it out of him.

Mina; I will. Is there anything you need?

Bakugo; No, I think I'm okay. I'll come to you if I need anything though.

Mina; Okay. I'll see you both in class. I gotta finish getting ready.

Bakugo; See you in class.


I set my phone down and hurried through the rest of my morning routine and then headed over to Kirishima's room. I knocked on the door and was greeted by my red headed weirdo coming out of his room to head down to the common area.

"Perfect timing, I guess." I said.

"Yeah, I guess." He said. We headed downstairs together to find some other classmates gathered around. I grabbed a pack of poptarts for breakfast, taking one for myself and giving the other one to Kirishima.

Almost as soon as we finished our small breakfast, we were told to head over to the main building. We walked over together with the rest of the BakuSquad, talking about what we thought we were going to end up doing in class.

Our first subject of the day, like most days, was math. We were working through a packet of quadratic equation problems to solve. At least we were allowed to work in groups. I ended up with Mina, Sero, Kaminari, and Kirishima. We all took a few to do ourselves and then gave each other the answers to the ones we did. It made us get the paper finished ten times faster than we would've on our own.

As I worked, I kept glancing over at Kirishima, just making sure he was okay. He seemed okay, but I knew he had a lot on his mind.

I was pulled from my thoughts when my phone buzzed. I took it out to find a text from Mina.


Mina; He'll be okay. Try and focus on your work. I see you over there over thinking everything.


I took a deep breath and put my phone back in my pocket. I continued to work on my paper.


At lunch we decided to sit with the rest of the gang in the cafeteria. Everyone wanted to talk about the books we were reading for English class. Kirishima and I were the only two who chose Children of Eden. Mina chose Divergent, Kaminari chose The Hunger Games, and Sero chose The Maze Runner. It was a dystopian unit, which I found kind of interesting. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I just wonder what the reason behind it is.

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