"You know I can't."



"Because why?"

"Do you really need to hear me say it?"

"Of course."

"Because I love you, you idiot."

Lauren instantly smiled. "That's more like it. Now kiss me."

Camila quickly jolted up to kiss her cheek.

Lauren's smile turned into a frown. "That's not the type of kiss I was referring too."


"No." Lauren said before her eyes hovered down to my lips.

"Then...this kind?" I asked before planting a kiss on her nose.

Lauren began to grow inpatient. "No."

"What about-"

"Don't play fucking games with me." Lauren said before she pulled me into her body. My core pressing against her front as her arm held me in place. Her hand traveled up to my cheek. Her thumb then caressed the flesh under my black eye as she stared at me thoughtfully.

"I can play games whenever I want." I managed to breathe under her gaze.

"Oh yeah?"


"Fine." Lauren agreed. "But that also means I can do whatever I want whenever I want."

"No. I didn't sign up for this."

"Too late." Lauren said before she connected our lips aggressively. Her hand traveling to the back of my neck and pulling me further into her mouth as she uninvitedly visited my mouth.

I heard my self moan into the kiss. Lauren smirked and seperated our lips a little. Noticing the lack of pressure she immediately latched them back together. Her hand flying from my lower back to my butt. She grasped it, lightly squeezing the flesh as our lips collided vigorously. She ran her hand over the flesh, feeling it to it's full extent. She pulled a away briefly to breath, "I like these shorts."

She then latched our lips again and ran her tongue over my sore lip. Slightly tugging on it after words as she slowly departed. Once we had separated, she latched her lips onto the side of my neck. She kissed the crook of my neck gently before she began to suck on my flesh. Her hands still working on my butt. I could barley breath at this point. The air was becoming thinner and thinner with every touch.

Her hand in raveled itself in my hair, pulling it back roughly in order to make my neck more accessible to her blood thirsty lips.

"Fuck." I muttered as the spot she sucked on started to burn.

She ran her tongue over the wound before she detached her lips from my neck and stared at me with her dark green eyes.

I was panting. Trying to catch my breath under her intense gaze.



"Take off your shirt."

I furrowed my brows slightly, "I can't."


I avoided her gaze, "I..."

She lifted my head up with her index finger, "Babe..."

"It's just...my body... it has a lot of bruises on it. It's not very appealing."

"I'm sure it can't be that bad."

The Girl NextdoorOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant