Chapter 15

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Y/n's pov

I don't know what made me so excited about school. It was probably the shopping but other than looking good, there was nothing exciting about today.

I was walking to lunch, swerving around all of the couples either making out or just walking extremely slowly. It was to the point where I would step onto the back of their shoes and disappear into the crowd so they would get mad at the people currently behind them. 

When I got to the cafeteria, all of the tables were already taken up by at least 3 people. Each table only had 8 seats so I was forced to sit elsewhere, which was outside.

For it to be the middle of the day, it was freezing cold. Winter was creeping up way too quickly. 

I sat on one of the benches by the B building. I wasn't about to pay for school lunches so I brought my own. They were better, anyways.

The sky started to cloud up the longer I sat out there. Thankfully, it didn't start raining. But I enjoyed the lovely grey sky.

My thoughts were interrupted by giggles. Forced giggles. So I had to look. It was a group of people. The ratio of boys to girls was literally 4 to 7. I expected the freshmen to act differently than in my old school, guess not.

I looked at them, glaring daggers. I need to work on my RBF so I used it to my will, and it worked. They walked away and left me to be.

I continued eating my food as the sounds of thunder rolled in. The air got dense and you could smell that it was about to rain. 

Being the person I was, there was an umbrella in my backpack. I took it out when I went to throw my trash away and started walking to class since lunch was almost over, anyways.

I walked into history and took a seat by the window. I was always early so my teacher continued eating his lunch as if I wasn't there. I found it funny that he got used to it already and didn't even yell at me for it. He just kept eating and grading. His chewing didn't even get quieter.

The bell rang and I walked the grounds outside swarm. Kids slowly started pouring into classes and others stood outside of them, waiting for the bell to ring so they could talk to their friends. After four minutes, the bell rang again and now the kids were zooming through the school. 

Most of the kids in my class were there. For it to be AP History, it was abnormal for kids to be on time. The class wasn't even hard. We were just assigned projects every week.

He started taking and teaching us a lesson, no one was even looking up at the board. Students were either on their phones or doing work from other classes. It was pretty neat.

"Are you guys even paying attention?" It was quiet. Until a student in the back yelled the honest answer.

Giggles filled the room and soon quieted down. After that, we had to do notes.

It was pretty boring. A group behind me was talking at a generous volume since they knew I wouldn't tell anyone what they were saying. No one they knew, at least. 

I told Slender everything they'd say when I would hang out with him. It was natural instinct.

I pulled a bag of goldfish out of my bag and started snacking on it, making sure not to get any crumbs onto my paper. Man, I love goldfish...

As I was writing down definitions and such, I occasionally looked out of the window and into the football field. It was plain grass with paint covering some areas. 

Every time I looked, something changed. I didn't know what, but I just know something was different. 

When I finished, I flipped my paper over and looked outside again. Slender was standing in the middle of the field, staring back at me. I smiled and he waved in my direction. I started questioning everything.

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