Episode 5: The Ice Lake

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We were once again back on the move. Luke was able to start walking on his own, but with a bit of a limp. Kenny kept his pistol to Arvo's head. A walker came out from behind a rock. "Kenny! Behind you!" I shouted.
"What the fuck?! Aaaargh!" He shouted as the walker pushed him down. Clementine shot the walker in a heartbeat. "Jesus Christ!" Kenny gasped. "Fucker came outta nowhere."
"That was real loud. Hopefully there aren't move." Bonnie said.
"Very close. Come." Arvo once again said. We kept walking. We got to a fairly-built house. "That piece of shit? Its half built!" Kenny said.
"Do we have to cross the lake?" Clementine asked.
"Looks like it." I said.
"Just be slow. Walk. Ice." Arvo said.
"No shit, ice." Kenny said.
"He means to be slow." Luke said.
"Lets get going." Jane said. We all separated so we would not walk in a straight line. Eventually, a few walkers started coming behind us. Two fell through the ice, making Arvo try to escape, making him fall through the ice. Kenny chased him down. "Stop him, Kenny!" Clementine yelled. Arvo, Kenny, and Mike with AJ made it across the lake. We heard the ice crack and we looked back. "Its okay." Luke said. He took a step, and the ice broke under him. Clem and Bonnie went for him. "Stop! I just need a minute." He said. We looked up and saw the walkers. "Clem, you're light! You can get to him!" Bonnie said.
"What? Screw THAT! I'll get him, Clem!" I shouted.
"No! Neither of you move! Take out your guns and shoot those damn walkers!" Luke said. I pulled out my pistol and started shooting. "Clementine! Stop!"
The shouting was from Kenny and Mike. I saw Clem was moving closer to Luke. "CLEM! GET BACK HERE!" I shouted. She reached for Luke and fell through with him. "CLEMENTINE!!!" I shouted. "Fuck it!" I was gonna dive into the water to get her, but Bonnie stopped me. "Stop! We don't need all three of ya down there!" Bonnie told me, holding me back. Jane waited at the ice. She finally pulled Clem up. Luke, however, never came up. Jane picked Clem up. "To the house! We need a fire!" Jane said. Me, Bonnie, and Jane holding Clem ran to the solid ground. "How the fuck did that happen?!" Kenny asked. I kicked the door open. "The fireplace!" Jane exclaimed. She sat Clementine down and took her jacket off. "Shouldn't she keep that on?!" I asked, scared for my sister.
"The jacket's soaked, it's gotta dry!" Jane said. She hanged it next to the fireplace. "Clem! Are you okay?" I asked. I went to hug her, but pulled away once I felt how cold she was. "Holy crap!" I shrieked. Kenny looked at Arvo. "You piece of shit! This is your fucking fault!" Kenny shouted at Arvo.
"H-he-he-he has a-a p-p-p-point." Clem said, shivering.
"They're right, Mike. I'm sorry, but Luke's blood is on his hands." I told Mike.
"Look at this place. Just a stack of fucking toothpicks! I bet those magical supplies are bullshit too!" Kenny said. He pushed Arvo. "What? No speaka de English?"
"Fuck you." Arvo said. That ticked Kenny off and he punched Arvo straight to the ground. He then pretty much beat the hell out of Arvo's face. Mike stopped Kenny and Jane came back, giving Kenny a can. "There's more like it! He wasn't lying." She said.
"You wanna tell me how a can of fuckin' chili is gonna help?" Kenny asked.
"How is beating a kid to death gonna help anyone?" Jane asked. "Mike, help me make a fire."
"Clem, give me that nail file Jane gave you." I asked. She reached her hand into her pocket. I went to the fireplace with the nail file and made it spark. "Presto!" I said. A fire came up. Clem sat near the fire to let her body temperature warm up.
God damn, that was crazy. Since i chose to make it unclear if Clem and Y/n hated Arvo too, hows this chapter for a final answer?

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