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Starfleet Headquarters, Earth:

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Starfleet Headquarters, Earth:

The date is June 6th, 2401, and the time is 12:30 in the afternoon. Damian Decker, still wearing his filthy red and black tactical uniform with his arms crossed, sits on a chrome metal bench looking at the horizon with his piercing blue and hazel eyes. The Earth's ocean with a couple of humpback whales swimming. Damian smiles at the sight of the magnificent creatures living in the water. Despite being mammals, whales need to stay in the water to survive. Something Damian was always fascinated about since he was a small boy. To his right, was the sight of San Francisco City, and the Golden Gate Bridge. Despite their age, they were both magnificent sights to behold. Damian Decker sighs while bowing his head, as his thoughts turn to the events that have transpired. With Captain Jack Ransom in custody awaiting his trial, Decker ponders what he will say when he and his shipmates attend to testify. Since Decker and his friends are the senior officers of the USS Bonaventure, they don't have a choice. As Damian looks out at the horizon, he spots a shadow approaching him. He looks to his left to find Teresa Sanchez the chief engineer of the Bonaventure; Easily recognizable by her wavy black hair and astounding brown eyes. Damian smiles at his comrade, who smiles back at him.

"Hi Damian," Teresa greeted. "Mind if I sit down?" Damian scooches over to the right, allowing Teresa to sit next to him.

"Not at all," Teresa takes a seat next to Damian, crossing her legs. She looks at Damian and sees the reluctant expression on his face. She's worried for her friend and wonders what's bothering him.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Damian looks over at Teresa, wondering what to tell her. He wants to be honest with her, but he doesn't know how to do that; Or, if he wants to. Then again, Damian was always a bad liar, and Teresa could easily see right through him.

"It's about what happened on the ship," Damian said candidly. "I know we're supposed to testify, but I'm not sure the court will believe us," Teresa feels as Damian does, but is quick to try and persuade Damian to see things from a different perspective.

"They will," Teresa reassured. "Our ship logs will confirm what happened," Damian looks to Teresa, nodding in acknowledgment.

"I'm aware of that, but you and I both know that those in the higher chain of command are pig-headed and stubborn morons," Damian's words are heard by two high-ranking officers, a Tellarite and a Vulcan who look at Damian with disgust. For a subordinate to say such truthful yet disrespectful things is an obscenity from their point of view. They walk past Damian, who looks up at them whispering to each other.

"Who is to say that they won't just pardon Captain Ransom instead of punishing him?!" Teresa listens to Damian vent, understanding his frustrations which she shares.

"More so, since people who've broken the law in the past usually just get a free pass instead of getting what they deserve," Damian Decker's hatred for Jack Ransom boiled in his heart. Teresa places her hand on Damian's shoulder to calm him down.

"It won't come to that," Teresa said sharply. "Jack Ransom will face the consequences for his actions, but it's up to us to ensure that happens,"

"Besides, you were the one who relieved him of his command and took charge when that Doomsday Machine threatened to destroy Vashti,"

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