Wanting to fit in the World

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We are in the world but not of this world.
Be different, dare to be different, dare to stand up for holiness, righteousness and most of all for Christ. Sometimes the things of this world seems to get us so distracted and interrupts the things of God.
You might have a friend and he/she isn't a christian and you will tend to feel a little feeling that wants you to be like them because they are cool and everybody wants to be like them.

Don't exchange the clothing of beauty that overflows you for a one or two days admiration by others for popularity. Don't try to fit in it's not for you, you are different. Not that you are better than they are, no not at all, we are all equally loved and made by God, but you are now not living to please yourself and others, but your saviour and Lord. That's why the word of God says separate yourself from among them because the same people that you are around that aren't spiritually minded, will pull you back into a life of sin.

Meditate on these few scriptures:

1 Peter 2:21- For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:

1 Timothy 6:7:- For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.

If you become like them that are in the world, how will you be able to persuade them to Christ. Be different today stand up when millions back down.

Be blessed.

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