Waiting on God

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We are sometimes so impatient, that we can't even wait on God. Sometimes it's not things that you want that God wants to give you but the things you need. When you wait upon the Lord you will receive the best of quality blessings; you might think it's weird but it's true. The Lord only has good things in stored for us, it's just for us to wait until it's the right time for him to give it to us.
One of these things that some cannot wait on is having the right partner.
Sometimes a person may walk into your life and you will think, oh, this is the guy or the girl the Lord has given to me that I have been praying for, which it can be a test in which the Lord is testing you to see if you are going to give in to it.
Jesus knew you before you were even born and he knew that you would need a special person to journey with you through this failing world, so he ordained a special guy or that special girl just for you and when the fullest of time as come he will lead you that person or that person to you. Don't settle for less right now, don't allow anything or anyone to mess up your temple.

Jesus loves You and cares about you dearly, don't fail your master let him be proud of how much he have taught you. When he was on Earth he demonstrated so many things to us, and we should use them as examples to follow.
Wait upon the Lord and he shall renew thy Strenght. He has a lot planned out for your life, seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.
Whatever it may be:

- It may be healing for a friend or family member

- It may be a financial, spiritual, individual break through

- It may be the decision on having a life time partner (when you reached that far and ready for marriage)
Whatever it may be JUST WAIT.


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