Being Kind

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It's a beautiful thing when someone is kind to you. We should love and cherish one another as christians. There are more than one way in which a person can be kind to you. The first way is just simply offering a a couple of words/ few to build someone's faith or spirit. While you have the other way, by sharing with each other.

As christians we shouldn't be selfish and all for ourselves. The bible says to bear one another's burden and die for the brethren. You see in life, people will hurt you when you have not even caused them any harm, people will despitefully use you to satisfy their needs, but what I am about to say you might think it's weird.

The people that use you the most, take advantage of your friendship and would go as far as lying to you and on you pray for them and love them. Loving them will not be easy but what is impossible with man is possible with JESUS. The devil judst wants to get the perfect opportunity to fill that void and emptiness within us with hatred, malice and bitterness. You are an overcomer remember that and no matter what you can overcome any obstacle. BE KIND TODAY OFFER A WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT TO A FRIEND TODAY.

Be blessed.

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