Chapter 5: Crustakean.

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Zack's POV

We set the pots in record timing it seemed. Well, either that or I was just so focused on what I'd just overheard that time flied for me. Is it actually possible that she does like me? After mulling over that thought I decided It was better to let it play out than let this drive me crazy.

"Okay guys. That's the last of them. You can come in and rest while we let those soak a few hours" My Dad said over the intercom.

"That sounds like a great plan!" Nick screamed, just happy that we were done for the next 12 hours.

"Nick, you should calm yourself!" Bailey laughed, hitting him on the shoulder.

"Sleep is my friend right now, let me live my life."

"Whatever" Bailey rolled her eyes.

"Well, while you get your much-needed beauty rest, I'm starving" Miles joined in.

"Why is it much needed?" Nick asked.

"Dude, when was the last time you looked in the mirror?" Miles replied.

"Oh! I like this one!" Bailey yelled.

"Well, at least Zack's on my side" Nick said, pretending to be hurt by them.

"Hey, don't drag me into this!" I said, raising my hands. "All I'm gonna do is go make dinner."

"I'll help." Bailey said, walking into the galley.

"I don't care what you guys do, just shut up so that I can sleep." Nick said, dragging himself into his bunk.

"Hey, I'm gonna go bug the crap out of him" Miles whispered, shutting the door to their bunk.

I walked over to the fridge where Bailey was contemplating what to make. "I'm thinking Crustakean." She said.

"Wait, you know about that?" I asked.

"Who do you think came up with the idea?" She asked, clearly proud of herself.

"Well then, let's do it!"

We grabbed the ingredients from the refrigerator and started making dinner. As we were doing so, we heard in-coherent yelling coming from Miles and Nick's bunk.

"Nick is gonna beat his ass if he doesn't stop it" Bailey laughed, wrapping bacon around the steak and crab.

"Yeah, I'm not sure this will end well." I replied.

"I don't even... anyway, I think all we need is brown sugar, then wait 45 minutes for it to cook."

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