Well, Your Alternative is; You Can Die

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(Marcel's POV)

I was standing next to Gunther, in my wrestling outfit, in the ring. Lacy was standing directly across from him on the other side of the ring. Adam Pierce was standing behind the table the contract was on. Lacy's glare was enough to make Pierce want to piss himself. She was serious about this.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, children of all ages...!!" Adam began. "Welcome to the main event of Friday Night Smackdown!" The crowd cheered. "Right here in my hand," He picked up the contract and held it up. "Is the contract for the No-Disqualification match at SummerSlam for the Intercontinental Championship!" The crowd cheered again, beginning to chant 'Gracie' over and over again.

She smiled at this. Pierce turned back to her and Gunther. "Gunther, Gracie, if the two of you are serious about this match, please sign your names on this contract." He flipped the contract open and placed a pen next to it. Gunther shot a glare at his opponent, demanding a microphone. Pierce handed him an extra one he had on the table.

"Gracie!" He began boldly. "I have respect for you. But this decision is incredibly idiotic, on your behalf. No one would blame you for walking away." The crowd booed those words. Gracie picked up the other microphone and brought it to her lips. "Walk away? You mean like you did last week after I BEAT you?!" The crowd went wild with cheering and applause. She took note of Gunther's sneer and picked up the pen, wasting no time to sign her name on the paper. And after she was done, she threw the pen at Gunther. Who, luckily, caught it. Because it was clearly aimed at his face. 

Lacy brought the mic to her lips once again. "Sign the goddamn contract." She demanded in a threatening tone. Gunther almost laughed. Throwing the pen aside. "I don't have to sign anything." He said right back. Adam Pierce spoke this time. "Actually Gunther, you... Do have to sign this contract. You agreed to have this match set up if she beat you last week. Which she did." 

Gunther sneered again. I leaned over to him and whispered; "You could always just refuse and walk away. No one's stopping you." He nodded. I looked back over at Lacy to see her staring directly at me. Not glaring at me. Not sneering at me. Just quietly standing there, looking at me. Trying to figure out what I just told him. 

Gunther brought the mic back up to his face and spoke again. "I am not signing that contract." The crowd shamed the hell out of that response. 

Lacy, on the other hand, pressed her tongue against her cheek and tapped her foot. Adam Pierce saw that she was getting impatient and was about to say something, but she held her hand up. Telling him to stop. He did, and she went to speak. "Well, Gunther, here are your options;" All three of us raised an eyebrow at her. "You can either sign this contract right here, right now..." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Or you can die." Just then, Drew McIntyre's music came on and Drew followed by Sheamus and Ricochet came out, ready to throw hands. 

I backed up to the ropes as the three men came marching toward the ring. Ricochet was in the ring first. Followed by Sheamus, and then Drew. Sheamus took Lacy's microphone and turned to Gunther, who was about to step through the ropes. "Oi! Fella! Don't you walk outta this ring!" 

Gunther stopped and turned to face the Celtic Warrior. "You heard the lass! Sign the bloody contract, or pay the damn price!" Ricochet was standing next to his cousin. Well, more like jumping. He was so ready to fight. 

Drew was behind Lacy, Angela shining in the stage lighting while resting on his shoulder. The look in his eyes was threatening. I knew the three of them were close to Lacy, but I don't think I ever learned just how close they were until now. They were willing to fight for her. That said more than enough about how afraid I needed to be. 

Gunther ignored Sheamus and stepped out of the ring, beginning to walk to the ramp. The second Drew moved, I hurried out of the ring. Following right behind Gunther, Ricochet quickly stepped out and ran toward him. He was, unfortunately, met with a rough chop to the chest. This made Drew and Sheamus get out of the ring and head toward Gunther as well. Forcing me to back away to avoid getting hurt by either of them. 

I ran back to the ring the moment Drew pulled a Claymore on my boss. I must've forgotten that Lacy was still in there, because I didn't hesitate to jump in and watch on in a slight bit of shock and terror as Gunther was being beat around by the three men. 

I looked behind me momentarily to see Adam Pierce also watching on in shock, and Lacy smiling at me. I turned my attention back to the fight.

Wait... Smiling at me...? I slowly turned around to be standing straight across from my girlfriend. Well, that was only outside of the ring. Inside of the ring, however, I was the right hand man to the guy she hated. Giving her character reason to hate me as well. 

She interlocked her hands and put them in front of her. "Hello Ludvig," She said calmly. The crowd not being able to hear her, as she was not talking into a microphone. But they were able to lip-read. I swallowed, beginning to stand up straight. "Hello Miss..." I responded as I struggled to hold my chin up to assert my superiority. 

She smirked. "Looks like your leader shoulda just signed the contract, huh?" I was hesitant, but eventually nodded. "Yeah..." She said after I did so. "It's a shame how stupid he is." She stepped closer to me. 

I tried stepping back, but remembered that the rope was behind me. A few seconds later, A strong hand grabbed the collar of my jacket and pushed me forward. I only needed to look once to see that Drew was the one with a hold on me. 

I was fucked. 

Lacy bent down and picked up the microphone that she had previously. Standing up straight again, she brought the mic to her lips. "Now, now Drew..." She began. "No need to be aggressive with Mr. Kaiser here, he did nothing wrong. You can let him go." Drew released his hold on me a few seconds later. 

Lacy grabbed the contract off the table and tried handing it to me. Saying, "Give this to Gunther. Make him sign it, yeah?" 

I was very slow to respond. But I didn't take the contract from her. Instead I said "Es Ist mir scheißegal." And ran out of the ring. 

Lacy laughed hysterically behind me. 

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