Sick Day

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(1st Person POV. Character: Bingo)
(⚠️Mentions of vomiting!⚠️)

As soon as Lacy's alarm went off, I walked into her room and used my snout to turn it off. I nudged her with my head before walking out of her bedroom and back into the living room to wake up Mochi. Mochi whined a few times, but eventually got up.

After about 10 minutes or so I began to wonder why Lacy hadn't come out of her room yet. It usually only took her five minutes to wake up. "Mochi?" I barked. He turned to look at me. "Go wake up mom. I'll start the food dispenser." He nodded and walked towards Lacy's room.

I walked into the kitchen and over to our food bowls. There was a button above both bowls that filled them whenever pressed. Using my nose, I pushed both buttons. Food immediately came gushing out, filling the bowls perfectly.

Mochi came rushing back into the kitchen. "Mom's sick! Mom's sick! Code yellow!!" He shouted, spinning in circles a few times. My head shot towards him. "You know the drill!" I said back. Mochi nodded, getting serious.

(Lacy's POV)

I rolled onto my back, opening my eyes to a pounding in my head. I groaned, throwing my legs over the edge of the bed. My feet landed in my slippers and I stood up. My legs were shaking, barely able to hold up my weight. And I instantly felt nauseous, my stomach turning with sickness.

I rushed to the bathroom and grabbed the thermometer. Quickly placing it under my tongue and turning it on. It beeped a few moments later, and I placed it on the sink counter.


The thermometer read. 💭Fuck.💭 My thoughts were quickly cut off by my stomach aching again. I rushed over to the toilet, bending over it. 💭Let's just get this part over with...!💭 I begged my body to make this go over quickly.

Then it came up. No questions asked. Most of it landed in the toilet, but some got on the floor. I don't think I'd ever thrown up in such a projectile way, tears immediately pricking my eyes. Beginning to stream down my cheeks as I threw up again. My legs gave out and I fell hard on my knees.

I think maybe I'd taken lovesick to a whole other level...

. . .

{I'm sorry, that joke was so bad. 😭}

Mochi rushed into the room with a water bottle, and quickly gave it to me. Before rushing out and coming back with my phone. 💭Smart boy...💭 I thought as I opened the water. I tried to drink some but my body didn't agree, and I threw up once more.

I tried again after and it worked this time. I didn't throw up, but I stayed over the toilet just in case. Bingo came into the room with my heating pad and laid it over my shoulders. Then I heard my front door shut.

💭Shit, someone's here...!💭 I panicked, quickly shutting the bathroom door. "Lacy?" I heard a very familiar voice call. "Are you awake? I brought breakfast!" My eyes softened. What a sweetheart...

I heard their footsteps approaching the bathroom. Knocking, they spoke again; "You in there?" That accent would be the death of me. "Er- Yes!" I replied. "I'm... Just using the bathroom real quick! I'll meet you in the kitchen, okay?" I heard them walk out of my bedroom.

I let out a breath. I didn't need him to worry about me. I stood up, wiped my mouth off, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and put on a little makeup to look presentable. I then flushed the toilet, picked up my phone, opened the door, and walked out of the bathroom, out of my room, and into the kitchen...

Where Marcel was waiting patiently for me at the table. He smiled when he saw me, I smiled back despite my pounding headache. "Good morning lovely." He said. I giggled a bit before responding. "Guten Morgen, handsome." He got up to hug me, but I took a step back.

Marcel gave me a confused look. "Is... Everything okay?" He asked. Shit... This would be the most difficult part; convincing him that I'm okay. I knew he'd go overboard if he knew I wasn't feeling well.

"Um, yeah! I just have a small headache. I don't wanna get you sick if I have something..." I replied. At least part of that sentence was true. I saw a bit of concern flash in his eyes, he stepped closer to me, asking; "Are you sure? You don't feel nauseous?"

Exactly what I didn't want him asking! I nodded reassuringly. "Yes, I'm absolutely sure." I replied with a smile. "So! What did ya bring??" Marcel didn't respond. His eyes were focused on my legs. More so... My knees. I looked down, confused, only to see why. There were bruises on both of my knees from when I'd fell earlier! They were both dark red, bordering purple.

"Oh...! Uh... Heh..." I began nervously. 💭How are you gonna get out of this one Lacy?💭 I love how you expect me to know! I smiled the best I could, him looking back up at my face as I did. "I just fell earlier! D-don't worry about it-" I didn't get to finish because my knees buckled. A sharp pain shot through my head as I fell to the floor for the second time this morning.

But I never hit the ground. Instead I found myself in Marcel's arms, him holding me tight. Just his arms supporting my smaller body. "Oh nein, tust du nicht! " He spoke briefly before scooping me up off of the floor. Holding me bridal style.

I quickly grabbed onto his shoulders, afraid he might drop me. But my head was hurting so much that I didn't say a word. He walked over to my couch and gently laid me down, sliding a pillow under my head for support. "You are most definitely not okay!" He concluded.

I made the attempt to speak. "But Marcel, I-!" "Nein! You're sick!" He said in defense. He placed a hand on my forehead. "Meine Güte, you're burning up..." I shivered a little. 💭No point in lying now...💭 I thought dreadfully.

"104.6 ..." I mumbled. He looked at me, raising an eyebrow. "My temperature is 104.6, I already checked..." His eyes got wide. I looked away from him, ashamed. He took his hand off of my head. "So you... Lied to me...?" He asked in disbelief.

I was about to cry again. "I only lied because I didn't want you to worry! I hate it when people make everything about me just because I feel a certain way... It makes me feel like an attention hogger." I admitted. I looked back at him only to see him looking at me with a tender expression.

"Lacy, my love..." Marcel began. "You have never been seen as any such thing. I'm giving you attention because you need it. 104.6 is a high fever, and I don't feel safe leaving you here alone like that." A small tear rolled down my cheek, I tried to counter argue. "But-" "But nothing Lacy. We are together now, and I would never leave you behind, as I would hope you'd do for me." He explained.

A few more tears spilled over my eyes, tears that were a bit happier this time. I was touched at what he said. He smiled again before walking back into the kitchen. Coming back with a food box. "And I hope your favorite breakfast food will make you feel better." He told me as he handed me the box.

Opening it, I saw the one food that could make me smile no matter what. Mini blueberry pancakes. What a gentleman... Marcel picked up my legs, sat down where my thighs began, and placed my legs over his lap. He leaned up to me and wiped my tears away.

"I'm taking care of you today, my love." He spoke sincerely as he placed a kiss on my forehead. I smiled as I popped a pancake into my mouth.


Hey y'all! Still sick over here! 😑 So I decided to make Lacy suffer with me! 😃 (Jk, jk...) But it was a good form of inspiration. Hope y'all enjoyed! Bye gems! 💎💝

(Word count: 1411)

[German Translations]

•Guten Morgen = Good morning
•Nein = No
•Oh nein, tust du nicht! = Oh no you don't!
•Meine Güte = Gosh

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