Rumor Roundup

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(1st Person POV. Character: Ludvig)

💭Shit...💭 I thought after closing my door. 💭Shit, shit, shit! Why did I say all of that?! I know I was mad, but why, why did I just take it out on her...?!💭 I walked into my bathroom to turn the sink on. Splashing water on my face, I looked up at the mirror.

💭Maybe because everything you said was true.💭 I jerked away from my reflection and leaned against the wall. Why did I just think that?! But the voice in the back of my head just wouldn't shut up. 💭You just don't want to hurt her, because you're in love with her. 💭

"No, no shut up. That's not true." I said to myself as I dried my face off with a towel. "Lacy- I mean Gracie is a friend. She's just a friend, which I think I can safely say she isn't anymore! Considering everything I just said to her!" I walked back into my living room and sat down on the couch.

💭You told her to cry.💭 I threw the towel at the wall. It didn't help much with my anger, but I knew my consciousness was right. I said awful things to her, and I knew there was just no coming back from it. She probably hated me right now.

She was probably crying just like she was this morning. 💭For the second time because of you.💭 Wait... what?

Then I remembered what had happened this morning, before I got Fluff. The person Gunther was talking to was Gracie because she then walked over to my door to leave Fluff there.

"I don't love him!" Were the words that I remembered her saying. Was Gunther suggesting that she did because she wanted to give me a gift? Or was he waiting for me to blame something on her to prove that I... Couldn't love her...??

So she really didn't love me. I never expected her to, but... She was the only girl I'd fallen in love with, in a very long time. It hurt to know that she could easily say she didn't love me to other person's face.

But at the same time, I hated Gunther. He was the one thing that scared her. Maybe not by how strong he was, but what he could say about her. And I'd known it for weeks.

💭Maybe she wasn't lying about not wanting you to get hurt.💭 There it went again. 💭Maybe she does love you, but just doesn't want you or anyone else to know because she knows Gunther will do more than just hit you. He'll ruin you. You, and everything you've worked for in your career for years. Your father's legacy too.💭

Could that be true? I always did say I wanted to be big in this company. Now I was becoming noticed more, maybe not in a good way but I was still getting recognition. That's what I'd always wanted.

💭You would have been better off sticking with Fabian. People liked you more when the two of you were partners.💭 That was... also true. We were likable as tagteam partners. Our NXT tagteam champion run was undeniably the peak of our careers. And then I threw it all away by disbanding the group...

I should have just gotten rid of Gunther when Fabian suggested it. "What am I doing...?" I thought out loud. "This is not what your father would have wanted for you. He told you to stick to your dreams and follow them until the end. Not follow someone else's screwed up plans..."

The whole room was an eerie quiet. Not a single sound, not one... Not even the sound of Fluff's footsteps prancing around. She was quiet too. Curled up next to me, looking and listening as I talked to myself. I gave her a piece of ham that I picked out of my salad.

As she ate it, I pet her. "She's never going to talk to me again, huh...?" I asked myself, preferably Fluff as well. Fluff licked my hand. Maybe she would...? Gracie is a very kind, forgiving person. And she's never been one to hold a grudge.

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