Choke-slam Countdown (Part Two)

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(1st Person POV. Character: Gracie)
(⚠️TW: Mentions of violence, raping, and abortion. Do not read if these are sensitive subjects for you.⚠️)

It was now 9:10 and I had 20 minutes before my match with Gunther. I was now not only fueled with energy, but anger as well. I knew Maria had recorded that video and posted it. She managed the surveillance cameras and footage.

And she had this weird hate for me. Just because I wasn't some basic slut she wanted to hang out with. I didn't dress in booty shorts and crop tops, I dressed in baggy shirts, sweatshirts, baggy jeans, or sweatpants. I enjoyed being comfortable. And just because I could wear revealing clothes, didn't mean I wanted to.

I didn't wear revealing clothing because of what happened to my mother. You see, my mother used to be a model when she was in her prime age. From 23 to 42 years old she modeled for a bunch of different companies. Swimsuits, bra's, underwear, dresses, and even short-shorts and crop tops when they started becoming a thing.

But what no one except family (and Drew and Sheamus) knew was that I wasn't supposed to happen. Of course, my mother loved me more than anything in the world. And she had told me over and over again that she never regretted not getting the abortion when she was given the chance.

My mother was 25 when she got pregnant with me. Meaning that she was 54 now. My father, however, was 30 when my mother got pregnant. And that was because he raped her. My dad didn't stay, so naturally, I grew up without a father. But I still had many father figures. My uncle stepped up and took care of me when my mother was at work. And that's how me and Trevor were so close.

But we didn't live in the same school district. So we went to separate schools, meaning he couldn't protect me. My mother was is a very attractive woman, even at her current age. That being said, I got a lot of her good looks. I also was a lot more bustier than the other girls, making me twice the boy magnet.

And that's how I met Andrew. I was in 1st grade, he was in 4th. He was new to America at the time so he was set back a few grades to learn things he hadn't in his home country.

I was being pushed around by a few 5th graders one day. Andrew saw me, and came over to help. He scared off the 5th graders easily, and helped me pick up my things.

From that day on, he protected me from everyone that wanted to hurt me. Stephen didn't come into the picture until middle school. Where Trevor could finally protect me as well because elementary schools join when going into middle school.

The day I met Stephen, Andrew was out sick with the flu. And Trevor and I only had 1st period, 3rd period, and lunch together. I was in the middle of transitioning from 4th to 5th period when-

"Gracie!" My head turned to a staff member. "You're on in 5 minutes!" I was back to reality now, I had gotten so lost in my thoughts that I had lost track of the time. I quickly suited up in one of my favorite outfits but it was certainly not my top favorite.

The outfit I now had on was Royal Blue, to rival Gunther's red theme. It had a few gold streaks on the collar and waist for decoration, and was completely appropriate for having a match with a man. It had no sleeves, but it did have pants.

The only thing I was worried about now was having to see Ludvig after what happened yesterday. 💭And Gunther's bootleg sharpshooter. 💭 Yeah, that too. The sharpshooter was probably my biggest weakness, because I replied on my legs a lot. My legs were the strongest part of my body, and my strongest moves involved some sort of kick. Except for my finishing stunner.

It was cheap to a lot of people, and I could only use it in no disqualification matches, but it got the job done. What I'd do in a situation I needed to use it is, kick off of a rope, jump towards my opponent, swing around their neck, onto their back, and jab my knees into either side of their spine.

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