The Drunken View

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(1st Person POV. Character: Ludvig)

Gracie limped backstage. Everyone and I mean everyone you could think of in WWE was there to congratulate her. Even Roman Reigns was there! All the women were screaming about how Gracie was going to SummerSlam, and the guys were absolutely stunned that she beat Gunther.

As Gracie walked over to her cousin and two friends she said; "Told ya I could do it...!" Ricochet smiled. "I never doubted you cuz. I never did." He responded. While the three were congratulating her, the crowd suddenly got noisy again.

"What happened?" Gracie asked Drew. Drew looked over the crowd. "Oof... Gunther's here. Ludvig's helping him to his locker room." He informed her. Gracie had to admit that she felt a little bad. 💭Did I really hurt him that much? I could swear I was barely using my full strength.💭 She thought. 💭Unless you were too enraged to see that you were absolutely unloading onto Gunther.💭 Her consciousness replied.

That was most likely true. Gracie's adrenaline was slowly dying down, and her leg was throbbing with pain. But she ignored it. Her adrenaline was what was keeping her going out there. And there was practically no denying that she hadn't realized how much of her strength she was actually using.

And she knew SummerSlam was going to be a lot harder than tonight was. Because her title match with Gunther was a no-disqualification match. Which meant anything was allowed, even other people. Gunther would surely use this to his advantage.

He would probably even try to get me involved. Me and Gunther were okay on our own but as a tag-team? You might as well kiss your well-being goodbye. We were practically unstoppable. That's why the Imperium was such a kick to everyone.

Three different men, each equipped with muscle, strength, and durability we're a triple threat to every other tag-team out there. No wonder WWE had no objections to me splitting the group up. It finally made a way for other tag-teams to have trouble fighting each other. Not just one tag-team dominating.

I finally got Gunther to his locker room, after telling me that he didn't need any more help he called his wife. That was the first thing he did after a match. She wanted to make sure he was okay. I bid him good night and headed to my own locker room.

If anything, the way he humiliated me that night after my match with Shinsuke made me want to work harder. It made me a stronger wrestler knowing where my weaknesses lie. It helped me to improve in those areas.

💭Now about Gracie?💭 Damn. Really had to make this about her? 💭It's your fault, not mine.💭 Damnit... Still true. I still didn't know how I was going to apologize to her. She knew German, she understood everything I said! I couldn't imagine how much it must have hurt her... I mean, I would be hurt too if I was in her place.

Maybe I could congratulate her first, and then apologize? But that sounded a little cheap. It had only been two days. Still, things were different not being able to talk to her. We'd talked every day since I apologized the first time.

At least I had Fluff to spend some time with. I could sit on my couch and watch TV with her. Really take my mind off of everything.
💭You mean like the rumor that you and Gracie have been banging in the workplace?💭 Yeah! Exactly like tha-

Shit. I totally forgot about that! I needed to speak with someone to let them know it wasn't true! Then again, Gracie said she had connections with Stephanie and Vince. Maybe she already took care of it...? There was really no point in me doing anything. No one would believe me. Everyone would believe Gracie.

I continued on to my locker room, opening the door once I'd reached it, and walking inside. Shutting the door behind me, I saw that Fluff was already sitting on the couch with the remote in her mouth. She was having similar ideas.

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