Choke-slam Countdown (Part One)

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(1st Person POV. Character: Gracie)

"Let her go." Ludvig growled. My hands were trying to pry Gunther's hand open. I was stronger than him, but he had the upper hand. And he could very easily break my neck from the way he had me. 

"Oh? And why should I?" Gunther asked with a sneer. "From what I heard, she thinks she can beat me." Ludvig stepped closer. But before he could say anything back, I spoke. "Because I can!!" Both men looked at me as I dropped out of Gunther's grasp. I stood up straight to face him.

"And just because you have a shiny belt you think you're better than everybody?!" Gunther went to speak, but I slapped him. His head swerved to the side from the sheer force of it. Ludvig took a step back, giving me space just in case I started to fight.

"I'm speaking and you're gonna listen! " I hollered. Gunther looked at me with surprise in his expression. "And since you want to keep up your stuck-up attitude outside of the damn ring, I challenge you to a damn match! I win? I'll see your ass at SummerSlam!!" I finished with a deadly smile.

And with that, I stormed off to find Adam Peirce to officiate it for tomorrow night. We all knew what that meant regarding the Intercontinental championship belt.
Ludvig grabbed Fluff as she tried to run at Gunther. Barking while baring her teeth.

But while walking to Adam's office, I stopped, suddenly having a better idea. I turned on my heel and headed left down the same hallway. I stopped at an iron door. I quickly knocked. And a few seconds later, a woman on the taller side with dark brown hair answered the door.

"Lacy!" She exclaimed happily, a smile appearing on her face. "Hey, Steph! Can I talk to you and your father about something real quick??" I asked, calming down from my anger fit I'd had a minute ago. She nodded, stepping aside so that I could walk in.

A couple of minutes later, Stephanie was sitting beside me, and we were both facing Mr. McMahon sitting behind his desk. "So how may I be of help to you, Ms. Lockbell?" There was no catch, so I decided to go straight to the point.

"I need a match with Gunther for tomorrow night. And if I win, I get a match for his belt at SummerSlam." I said sternly. "Is that able to happen?" Vince scratched his chin for a moment, then spoke. "I should be able to fit you in around 9:00 tomorrow. And sometime on day two of SummerSlam. Does that work for you?" I nodded.

"That's perfect, thank you!" I said as I smiled. Stephanie put a hand on my shoulder. "Are you sure you know what you're doing, Lace?" She asked, sounding a little worried. "Gunther... He's a difficult opponent! I mean, you've seen how quickly he can beat your cousin...!"

I looked at her at put my hand over the one she had on my shoulder. "I know what I'm doing, Steph." I reassured her "Someone has to put him in his place, after all..."

(Time skip. Gracie went to tell Ricochet the news.)

"NO! No, absolutely not! " Ricochet said loudly. "I can't believe you went and did that without checking with the three of us!" He motioned to Drew and Sheamus who were also there. "That was very irresponsible of you, Lacy." Drew agreed.

"So?! You three have always told me not to run from a challenge! And now I actually HAVE one!" I protested. "This could be my chance to win my first title, you guys! And, I mean, just imagine what people will think of me if I take down Gunther!" I tried to persuade them. "NO!" Yelled both Drew and Ricochet.

But Sheamus said something. "Hold up, hold on mates! She's right! This is her chance to win it big for the first time! I say we give it to her." I smiled at Sheamus. He always would stand up for me, despite how much we annoyed each other. "Are you crazy?!" My cousin shot back. "Gunther knows what her ties are with me! He'll bury her tomorrow night!!"

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