Chapter 1 - Kudrat

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Puan Faniza just came back home from her school after discussing to the principle about everything, she was a bit scared to accept it as it's about the matter of her daughter's safety. A girl in a boys school is kind of weird to her, but the fact that her daughter accepted the offer made it even weirder. You know how a mother will always concerned about their child's safety.

She parked her car outside the house, carrying her bag and belongings after locking the door. She put all of her things on the dining table as she was a bit exhausted, she looked for her daughter who was not at the living hall.

Faniza: Lily!! Lily!!

Puan Faniza's daughter, Lily came out from the room as she heard her mother's voice. She smiled and greeted her as usual, hugging her so tightly as she don't want to let her go.

Lily: You just reached home? Why are you so late?

Faniza: You know, some works to be done at the school back there.

Lily: Sit down for a while, I'll bring you a glass of water, you look exhausted.

Lily forced her mother to sit down, she went to the kitchen and filled a glass of water, she came back to her mother and gave it to her. She smiled and took a sip of it, Lily took a sit across her while watching her drinking water. She always knew how hard her mother was working for her family, her father was working overseas while her younger brother studying at another state.

Only Lily and her mother stayed in their home for a long time, they hardly spent their time together as they were busy in their respective work. Now what made Faniza worried was the fact that her daughter was going to stay at the school where she was teaching. She put down the glass and leaned toward Lily a bit.

Faniza: Are you sure you're okay with this? I don't want anything bad happpened to you Lily.

Lily: Don't worry Mom, I will be just fine, you heard what the headmaster said, he will provide anything I need to be safe and sound.

Faniza: But it's a boys school Lily, what if those boys started to disturb you from the moment you entered there?

Lily: That won't happen anyway, besides, I do know how to deal with boys, so you don't have to be worry. Trust me.

Faniza: But still, I can't stop worrying about you. Anything could happen to you. Your father's working overseas, your brother's studying far away, and now you're desperated to look after the school.

Lily: Mom, what's the point of locking myself up in our house when I can go around and meet some new people there in the school? I have finished my SPM and the results was awesome, I'm still searching for a nice college to continue my studies, but the situation that we're facing right now is clearly not helping us at all. So I need some time off to relax myself, plus it's not like I'm going to stay there forever, I will leave there once I got an offer from a college.

Faniza sighed and looked at somewhere while tapping the table after hearing Lily's explanation, she really didn't mean to stay there forever, she just wanted to take some fresh air from her hard times she faced. The headmaster of the school really liked to have her in the school for a while as he really knew how smart and kind her daughter was.

Faniza: Is this your final decision Lily? You won't regret it after reaching there, right?

Lily: I promise you Mom, I won't. I will be perfectly fine.

Faniza: If that's what you want, I'm not going to stand against it, but be careful there. If anything goes wrong, I'm just a phone call away, I will be there for you all the time, ok?

Lily: Ok Mom, thanks.

Lily stood up from the seat and went toward her mother, she side hugged her mother while she did it in return.

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