24| "No, No I wasn't crying. There was just onions in the room."

Start from the beginning

I knelt down on one knee in front of her. "Yes, I'm okay. Don't worry about me okay?" I said and she nodded, whispering an, "Okay".

"I'll be in my office if you need me." I said. It was so tempting just to cup her small rosy pink cheeks in my hands and give her forehead a kiss, but I was told that I wasn't her father so I can't do that.

I'm just someone to her.

I was about to stand up, but stopped when she threw herself at me. Her arms wrappings around my neck and her head laying on my shoulder.

I just melt into her touch. My arms wrap around her. One hand placed on the back of her head the other around her torso.

"Sorry for making you cry by the way." She whispered.

"No, no, no I wasn't crying. There was just onions in the room." I joked.

She let out a soft giggle. "Yeah right." She said and I could see the smile on her lips without having to look at her.

Best first hug I've gotten in a while. It made all my worries and anger go away.

She pulled away and then I stood up. I lift my head and forgot about these two men infornt of us.

They look at me in aww. I give them a serious glare and they immedaty stop.


I walk back into Ace's house after a long morning and afternoon at the office

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I walk back into Ace's house after a long morning and afternoon at the office.

I turn my head to the left and Milo and Nala comes charging for me.

"Hi." I said, a smile on my face and happiness lacing my lips.

I bend down and pet them. After a few seconds of that I stand up and make my way to the kitchen to get a bottle of water from the fridge.

As I down the water, I hear voices. Deep ones and one that sounds like Amara's.

I follow the voices until I find myself  making my way outside.

I scan the outside and stop when is see two large men with Amara.

I laugh at the sight.

"Point your toe, Trist!" She scold at him and he did so.

"No your doing it wrong. It's 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, front Ariel 2,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 then you pose." She commands while demonstrating the dance to them.

I can't help but smile, because it also made me think of the times when she would shout at Aubrey and I.

"Now your turn." She said and they look at her dumbfounded. I laugh eve louder and they heads snap towars mine.

"Oh I'm sorry. didn't mean to interrupt this class. Can I just borrow your teacher for a second. I won't wbbe too long, so you can get back to your lesson." I said walking towards them.

The two men are shaking they're heads slightly telling me not to let that happen.

"No, no Ma'am take your time." The one with one green eye and the other with multi colored ones said.

A laugh escaped my mouth.

"Okay." I said.

"You can call me Naomi." I said.

"Tristan." The one with blue eyes introduced.

"Luca." The one with two colored eyes.

"Lovely meeting you two."

"Same goes to you."

I smiled.

"Can you just give me a couple minutes to talk to her." I said politely.

"Yeah sure." Luca said.

"Thanks for rescuing us from this." Tristian said in relife.

"No problem I know how it feels. Been there. Done it. Take it from a perosn who done it for years, everday." I said. They chuckled

"Yeah I don't know how you survived." Luca said.

"Neither did I." I said.

"Were gonna leave you guys now." Tristan said and the two men left.

"Hello my precious angel." I said giving Amara a hug.

"Hi." She said.  We did our kissing foreheads thing, which we haven't down in a while, making it feel extra happy.

"Can I talk to ypu for a second about soemthing?"


We decided on sitting on the grass facing each other. I ahd to make this quick because it was getting dark.

"So last night when you were sleeping I was as thinking about you not really liking school, beacsue of your personal reasons and I fully understand them." I pause. "I was looking in investing in getting you into home school." I finished.

"Really?" She asked a smile starting to form on ehr lips.

"Mhm. You down to do that?" I asked.

"Yess!" Then she threw herself at me, wrappingvher arms around me.

"Thank you." She said.

"No problem."

I'd do anything for this kid not to struggle anymore.



mara and I were walking up the stairs and we turn a coner and my face collides with something hard.

Arms immediately wrap around my torso to keep me from falling. I take in a sharp breathe. I look up and my eyes conect with his.

As we stare at each other I narrow my eyes as I look into his eyes.

He looks away quickly, like if I look anymore longer I would find something I wouldn't want to find out.

His jaw clenches and releases.

He gives me another glance before walking round me and disappearing down the hallway.

I look down giving Amara the, 'what did you do?' Look and her jaw drops.

"I did nothing. I promise. Trust me he's been like that since you called us." She protested.



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