
When we arrive at the big stadium, it's already busy. Me and Rickey find our spot and sit down. 'I can't wait for this game to start!' Rickey squeals excited. She's wearing an English jersey with Saka on the back.

After a few minutes of waiting the footballers get into the pitch for a warm-up session. I already spot Jude with number 22. Rickey takes another picture on her phone to post it on her Instagram story. She tags me.

Suddenly I see Jude looking up, it looks like he's seeking for someone. His eyes stop at me and Rickey. We're sitting pretty close by the field so he can probably recognize us. He smiles and waves.

For a second I don't realize that he's actually waving to me... and not to the fans behind us...
To me.

Rickey gives me a nudge which brings me back to reality. 'He's waving Nin!' she says. I nod quickly and wave back at him. I can see him smiling and suddenly I feel very happy.

Finally the game starts. My mother isn't a football watcher. My dad was, but he wasn't in the picture since I was six, so watching football wasn't a regular thing in our family. I did always watch it with my older cousins. They'd kept me informed of all the actualities, so I always knew what was going on in the football world.

The whole first quarter of the game, nothing happened. It was pretty boring. A few chances for England and also a few for Wales.

Rickey was FaceTiming her brother during the first "break".
When she hangs up she turns towards me. 'I can't believe they haven't scored yet!' she says. I nod. 'They had more ball possession then Wales, I'm sure they'll win.' I assure Rickey.

Suddenly I feel someone patting my back. I turn around and face a girl. I think she's about 20 years old, but she's definitely older than me. 'Sorry to bother you, but can I have an autograph please?' Rickey also turns around and looks at her confused. 'From us?' she asks and looks behind her to see if there's a famous person sitting there. 'Yes, I'm such a fan of you guys. The show was so good!' she says. I'm still confused, but I see Rickey understands it and she takes the pen and paper from the girl and writes her autograph on it. I do the same and then the girl walks away. 'Thank you!' she screams.

I look at Rickey. 'What just happened?' I ask. 'I forgot, but the show was live on TV yesterday night. So that's why people are coming to us now. The show was of course live for a few people in Barcelona, but now the whole world has access to our show.' Rickey explains. 'You mean the show with the footballers?' I ask her. 'No that one was already online from the beginning, I mean our first show.' Rickey explains. I nod. I remember seeing an email from Nicole about it, but I was too lazy to read it.

Rickey hands me sunglasses. 'We're going to need these.' she says. I nod and quickly put on the sunglasses. The second half has already started. Rickey has sat down again and nervously looks around the field.

And then, after five minutes, there is a free kick for England. 'Please, please, please, please,
please....' Rickey muttered behind me. Rashford kicks off and then... GOAL!

Rickey jumps into the air and cheers loudly. All sorts of people in white shirts jump up and start cheering. I clap too.

1-0 for England.
And then, a few minutes later, England is close to the goal again, Foden now scores! The whole stadium goes wild again. Rickey is also super happy. 'Yes! I'm going to text my boyfriend that we're beating him!' she says and she takes out her phone. I look at her uncomprehendingly. 'He's from Wales.' she explains.

The game ends with another goal from Rashford. I see Jude running across the field screaming (and sweaty) when the game is over. He looks at me and blows a kiss. I don't know if that kiss was specifically directed at me... but I felt it...

I'm your Angel | Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now