" So you really meant what you said? " Sharon asks, moving her hands over my chest as her eyes finds mine." Every part of it even without we both agreed to screw the deal," I say teasing her as I lean forward, just a split second before Sharon look away.

" Yeah, about that deal," She starts, pushing me just enough for her to climb down the kitchen counter before she walks toward the fridge." We should talk about it," She says, clearly trying to avoid looking at my direction as she says it," I thought it's over," I let out a rush of breath as I turn around, leaning over the counter as I watch Sharon pulling a package of bread off the top counter and continue grabbing more stuff off the fridge.

Her silence gives me an inkling of where Sharon is going with this, our deal still not for another two weeks and someone just send her flowers yesterday, of course she still had something going.

" If you still want to keep it going I'm fine with it," Sharon says taking me by surprise, " Yeah right," I chuckle as I shake my head," Obviously we do need to set a new ground rules." Sharon says as she stands next to me, I chuckle shortly, before I look at her over my shoulder

" Do you remember what I said when you came up with this deal six months ago?" I nod, " The part when you told me how you don't need to see someone else to to know how good we have with each other?" She shakes her head and let out a bitter grin," Yeah I do, but," She sigh as she looks away,
" But you chose this deal was best for us," I say with a nod," Don't you dare, you agreed on this too Barnes," She says as she walks away,

" You just asked me if I want to marry you or not last night and now you tell me to continue the stupid deal which if you haven't tell it just turning us against each other, so what's exactly the point?" I sigh out a long breath as I look away," Look, figuring you out is like solving a fucking riddle lately, Carter,"
I look over at the clock, wishing it would just fast forward through tomorrow, or going back to last year before she cheated on me.

" You know maybe if you could at least tell me what you actually want for once, we won't be so miserable, " I regret it as soon as the last words comes up, Sharon shots a surprise look on me before she shakes her head once and take another steps away, creating more space between us," I'm sorry," I say after a good ten seconds, feeling my chest turn into a knot.

I have so much to talk about, but I know nothing will comes up from a heated argument, so instead I run a hand over my mouth and squeeze my jaw out of frustration," We don't talk to each other like this before," She says with a bitter chuckle right before I nod along, turning my back on her as I pour myself a coffee, hoping to hold myself together.

I think back to the moment when she admitted to me about how she cheated on me two days before I proposed, she chose to told me that four months after the engagement,

" You know what, maybe we need to see other people before we continued our relationship to the next level," Sharon said as if it was the most casual thing to asked. " You can't be serious," was all I could come up with, I stared at her for what it felt like awhile, she moved her hand behind my head, brushed over the small scar just above my neck.

" You only been with me since your accident James, inevitably, there might come a point where you find yourself curious about being with other people," She said as she locked her eyes on me," So why not we explore that now, than five or ten years down our marriage." She continued in whisper," Take it as a selfish act on my part for both of us,"

Sharon looked over me when she said the word, there was a glimpse of unreadable look in her eyes when she glanced up over me," Of course there will be some ground rules," She grinned a half hearted smile as she took a step backward, pulled my hands off her waist as she looked away.

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