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Maya's POV (yeah. Her).

I cannot believe what just happened.

The ninja were camping, and then Wu got a call...from Cole? He picked it up, casually, not expecting much, but then we got the news. It went somewhat like this:

"Yes, Cole?" Wu asked, picking it up.

"Uh, Master Wu..." Cole said, his voice shaking. "Things aren't going good."

"Please tell me what happened, Cole," Wu said calmly.

"Uh..." Cole replied. "There was a storm. A—A tornado and—Some of us are badly injured. Especially Kai and Skylor...I'll send you the coordinates. We—We need help."

"Alright, Cole. Take care, stay calm. I'll get everyone." Wu replied calmly. How was he so calm in the face of this?

Then Wu turned to us, and we rushed over.

Then I saw everyone: Glass wounds, bruises, paralysis...And then I saw my dear Kai, his wrist bloody and exposed to the bone. I burst into tears at the sight. Then I saw his girlfriend, Skylor, and she was bleeding a lot, everywhere. Both of them were unconscious.

Ray rushed over to comfort me, but then we had to run and help Wu and Misako get the others. When they were finally on board the Bounty, Jay began driving, while all of us helped heal the ninja by putting fresh bandages or giving them powerful teas.

But I didn't want to see Kai—or anyone really—like that. So I went to the front of the Bounty to talk to Jay. I adore Jay; Nya's girlfriend, funny, and a lot like me.

"Hello, Jay," I said, lowering my voice appropriately to the circumstances.

Jay just sniffed in response. His eyes were red; I could see that he'd cried.

"Jay? How are you feeling now, child?" I asked.

He sniffed and replied, "Not good. Not at all. Kai warned us that he felt something bad would happen, but none of us listened, and...Now look at Kai. And—and everyone. I feel like we should have listened to Kai." Tears ran down his cheeks.

"Aw, Jay..." I said, and I put my arm around him. "Look: Whatever happened did happen, but we're going to recover, okay? Got it? We're going to get back up and come back stronger. We've all learnt to trust our gut and to be safe rather than sorry from this. It's like a learning."

"I never thought of it that way," said Jay with a sniff. He steered the Bounty around Borg Tower, where citizens were peering up at the shadow of the ship. "Thank you," Jay said to me, and we exchanged smiles before I walked away.

That pep talk had made me stronger, too. Now I was confident enough to help out. I crouched down next to Wu, who had tears in his eyes and was trying to figure out what to do with Kai and Skylor.

"Do you have a powerful healing tea?" I asked him. "Or some form of painkiller?"

"I...Think we could do that," Wu said, coming out of his trance. He searched through his many tea bags, found a painkiller plus painhealer tea, and boiled it on a double boiler. Where he got all this stuff, only FSM knows.

We arrived at the monastery shortly after. Jay had flown a bit slow; He'd been tired and in grief for 'the incident'. We all understood how he felt.

We came back, and I counted who were unhurt: Jay, Cole, Mabel, Benthomaar, and Sally. Vania was not hurt much either; Only the wound from glass that stabbed her palm.

Nya had been bruised badly, but she was wide awake. She couldn't walk that well, so Wu ended up giving her a wheelchair after creaming and bandaging up her swollen, red, purple and black bruises.

Nya and Harumi both had been 'assaulted by the wind', is what they called it. Cole said he had felt really bad hearing Harumi's screams but the wind was blowing too hard and he was stuck below. In Nya's case, just as she was going to lose her life, Jay jumped in and pulled her into the shelter.

Harumi had broken her left leg and right arm, so she was placed in a wheelchair. She cried for a long time about her hurt, but seeing Kai and Skylor, she was...shooken.

Kai had broken his arm bad. Wu had taken him to the hospital (me and Nya had gone too), and he'd gotten anesthesia, a surgery, and a cast. He also got his scratches and bruises cleaned up.

Skylor, on the other hand, was bleeding so much, she first got her wounds cleaned, then she had to get a blood test and the doctor went to the 'blood bank' to get A+ blood for her, and soon after, she awoke, screaming. She calmed down after we told her to breathe, and then invited Kai, who was on a wheelchair, to hold her hand (using his good arm). She asked about everything that had happened and we told her she'd been in a five day coma and lost much blood. She told us she saved Kai, but got crushed by a car before she could save herself.

Kai cried a lot after that.

But we all recovered, anyway. Mentally and physically. Soon things were back to normal; Bones, cuts, and bruises healed, wheelchairs were returned to the hospital, tears were wiped away, and everyone could do their own stuff again without any external help from others.

Then an idea popped into the head of a young mind. Which changed everything.

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