Christmas day (Part 1)

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A/N: Quickly before I start the story I want to give a shoutout to @Muddlee Please go check out her stories and give her a follow. Her stories deserve way more attention then what they get so I'm telling you all to read her stories. Now back to the chapter.   

Y/N's POV:

I woke up and yawned before slowly standing up. When I fully woke up and remembered what day it was I cheered in joy. It was finally Christmas! I quickly ran downstairs completely forgetting to be mindful of the other people that were still sleeping. I ran around the loungeroom super hyped up and full of energy. It wasn't until I had woken someone up that I calmed down.

"Oi Y/N, can you shut the fuck up?" Mully asked as he walked into the loungeroom after being woken up by me. I gave him a sheepish smile.

"Sorry Mully. I'm just really excited." I replied and he just sighed before sitting down. It wasn't long until everyone else was awake, I had woken everyone up but some tried to get back to sleep but couldn't. I said good morning to everyone and they tiredly said it back. I felt guilty for waking everyone up so early.

"I'm sorry for waking Ya'll. I hope Ya'll can forgive me." I apologized as I stared at the ground. Everyone just laughed.

"Honestly, we couldn't actually sleep much. We're all as excited as you are." Josh replied and I smiled, glad I wasn't in trouble.

"So, when are we recording?" I asked and everyone looked at Josh and Mully.

"The sooner the better. Let me and Mully set up the room. Y/N, can you text Dose?" Josh asked and I nodded my head before pulling out my phone.

Y/N: Hey Dose! We need you to come over for a recording.

Dose: Are you at Mully's house?

Y/N: Yeah, of course we are. 

Dose: Alright, see you soon. Also, Merry Christmas!

Y/N: Merry Christmas Dose!

I turned my phone off before giving Josh the thumbs up. Him and Mully left the room to go set up the room we'd be recording in.

Josh's POV:

Mully and I went to his spare lounge room to set up for the recording. I was really nervous since today I was planning on telling Mully about my feelings for him. No idea how I was gonna do it but it's going to get done. I started to help him set up the table when one of us finally spoke up.

"Merry Christmas Joshy." Mully said causing me to blush. I tried to hide it as I went to grab the chairs. He followed behind me.

"Merry Christmas Mully." I replied once I had calmed down a bit and my face wasn't red anymore. We set up all the chairs and were about to leave when he grabbed onto my arm and spun me around so I was facing him. I started to blush again.

"I have an amazing idea for the video Joshy." Mully said as he looked at me in the eyes. I stared right back into his eyes and it was so tempting to kiss him but I resisted the urge.

"What is it Mully?" I asked as his eyes glimmered. Damn was he cute! 

"You know how over in America they kiss under the mistle toe? How about we make it that we kiss under the branch of a gum tree. It's an Aussie twist." He replied and I gulped.

"Is there someone you want to kiss?" I asked and he smiled.

"Yeah, and you know who it is. If it's under the branch of a gum tree then we have an excuse for why we did it." He replied and I blushed as I noticed that he kept saying 'we'. Mully wanted to kiss me! Does this mean he likes me or not?

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