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Eddie's POV:

I woke up with the sun shining in my face and Narrator laying beside me. I slowly got up trying not to wake him up but I failed. He made a quiet hmm sort of sound before looking up at me.

"What are you doing Eddie?" He asked as he stood up as well.

"It's morning so I'm waking up." I replied sarcastically. He rolled his eyes before he followed me out of the room and down the stairs. We walked into the loungeroom where Dose was sleeping on one couch and Y/N on the other. Narrator and I both took out our phones and took a quick picture. We then smiled at each other.

"Damn, they only met yesterday and they're already inseparable." I joked and Narrator quietly chuckled. 

"I thought she said Josh was the hot one." Narrator added and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, no one knows about who Josh likes. Don't think it would be her though." I replied and Narrator nodded his head. We then turned around when we heard someone else enter the room. It was Juicy. He looked at us and then at Y/N and Dose.

"I'm happy they get along." Juicy commented and Narrator and I looked at each other with a raised eyebrow.

"You aren't concerned or anything. Like they could be dating." I said and Juicy shook his head.

"No, there just friends Eddie. Stop jumping to conclusions." Juicy replied as he walked over to Dose to wake him up so there was room for us to sit down. Dose slowly sat up still with the blanket over him as he tiredly said good morning to us. We just sat in silence so we wouldn't wake Y/N up.

Y/N's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes noticing that everyone else was already awake. I then tried to remember how I ended up on the couch, I then remembered talking to Dose before falling asleep. I slowly sat up and everyone looked at me.

"Look who's finally awake." Gabby said as she walked over to me and handed me some pancakes. I smiled in appreciation.

"Thanks Gabby." I said as I started to engulf my food, excited to record. Everyone just watched me probably hoping that I wouldn't choke. I looked up at them when I finished.

"So, what video are we recording today?" I asked and they all looked at Josh and Mully.

"We will be recording a food video, trying classic Australian foods." Josh replied and I smiled. I had come all the way to Australia mainly to try there amazing food. Juicy had told me that it's disgusting but I'll be the judge of that.

"Alright. Let's go. Where are we recording it?" I asked looking at Josh.

"We'll be going back to my house to record it. You can choose who you travel with." He replied and I smiled before looking at Dose.

"I'll go with Dose." I stated and everyone looked at me funny. I just shrugged it off.

"I'll go with Josh in his car." Juicy said and everyone nodded their heads.

"Everyone else can come with me in my car." Mully announced and we all agreed before running outside and going to the cars we would be traveling in. I followed Dose and hopped into the passenger seat of his car wishing we were already at Josh's house but sadly we couldn't teleport so we had to drive all the way there.

Josh's POV:

I followed Mully's car out of the driveway and onto the road. I then began talking to Juicy as we waited at a red light.

"Uh, do you think you could let me sit next to Mully?" I asked blushing slightly.

"Yeah sure. Do you think you'll ever tell him?" Juicy asked as the light turned green. I shrugged my shoulders.

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