What happens at the mansion stays at the mansion

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Mully's POV:

I was awoken by Josh trying to free of my grip but I just held him tighter. He kept trying to free himself so in the end I just let go of him. He quickly stood up and looked at me as I sat up in the bed.

"Morning Mully." Josh said tiredly as he rubbed his eyes. I smiled at him.

"Morning Josh. How did you sleep?" I asked as I slowly stood up.

"Uh, good." He replied as he slowly turned red. He then quickly left the room and I followed him. We quietly walked past the couch that Narrator was sleeping on before going downstairs and going to the kitchen to make brekkie. 

"What do you want for brekkie?" Josh asked as he went into the pantry.

"I'll just have two pieces of vegemite toast and a cup of milo." I replied and he came out of the pantry a few seconds later with what I asked for. He put the bread into the toaster before putting the milo in a cup. He then went to the fridge and grabbed the milk to pour into my cup of milo. He then grabbed a spoon and stirred it before handing me the cup. I took a quick sip and smiled.

"Thanks Joshy." I whispered and he turned around to look at me.

"Can you please stop calling me that." He asked and I smirked.

"What? Does Joshy not like me teasing him." I asked seductively and he blushed. I knew he had a crush on me! But before I admit my feelings I'm gonna tease him for a bit.

"N-No. I don't. Stop being so weird Mully." He replied and I shook my head.

"Do you like me? Cause you always seem to blush when I'm around." I stated and he hid his face in his hands.

No, I don't like you. You just make me feel embarrassed." He replied and I sighed. Maybe he doesn't like me like I had thought he did. I sighed as I heard my toast pop up.

Josh's POV:

Why the fuck does he tease me so much? Soon he'll find out that I do like him, that'll be when I finally run out of excuses. I finished spreading the vegemite on Mully's toast before handing it to him. I went into the pantry and grabbed the coco pops before pouring myself a bowl and eating it. Mully watched my every move very closely.

"So, do the other boys know what kind of video we're recording today?" Mully asked and I shook my head.

"No. But they're going to hate us for what it is." I replied and Mully quietly laughed.

"Will Gabby and Y/N be coming as well?" He questioned.

"Gabby won't be, she'll be recording with the other girls. But Y/N might come." I replied and Mully nodded his head.

"She'll probably just go where her brother goes." Mully stated and I nodded my head.

"Or wherever Dose goes." I added and Mully quietly laughed. We went silent when we heard people walking down the stairs. A few minutes later and everyone was awake. I looked at Mully sadly. I wish that we could of talked for longer but like normal, everyone else interrupted us.

Eddie's POV:

Gabby and I walked into the kitchen where everyone was eating breakfast and quietly chatting to each other. I walked into the pantry and grabbed the coco pops and poured myself and Gabby a bowl. We both ate in complete silence until one of the boys spoke up.

"So, what video are we recording today?" Juicy asked and Josh and Mully looked at each other and smiled.

"We will be going to a haunted mansion and staying there for the night." Josh replied and we groaned. Gabby just smiled because she would be recording a different video with the girls.

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