Old Friends - Part 2

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Requested by: AVERY_356270

Scenario type: Fluff.

Scenario scene:  After reuniting with your childhood friend Vi, yours days are spent waiting for her to seek you out once more.

Old Friends

It's been four days since I found out that Vi, my childhood friend who was thought to have been murdered, was alive. Four days I have spent waiting for her to come see me again, like she promised me she would. Four days of wondering if that encounter really happened or whether I had dreamed the whole thing.

On the fifth day I had started to worry something may have gone wrong or that she could have disappeared once more. "What if giving her that letter was a mistake?" I fret to myself. Today was my day off and I was spending it worry cleaning. "Vi would never pass up a perfect opportunity to tease me. Would she?" I start to question how well I really know Vi. "It has been over 8 years since we were kids..." Luckily, I'm bought out of my woeful thoughts by my front door being knocked on.

I quickly shake away the worry, drop the clothes I was folding back into the washing basket and go to answer the front door. As I open the door I hold my fingers crossed behind my back, hoping to see the flash of pink hair. Sadly, there is no pink hair, just a man with a big bushy beard and an equally bushy dog.

"Hello miss, I don't mean to disturb you but I recently went to one of your shows at the Purple Paradise and I wondered if you might be interested in doing a show for my wife's birthday party?" The man asks. At first I'm left a bit speechless. No one has ever asked me to perform private shows for them, well not the musical kind anyway...

"I'll pay you of course." The man adds on, seemingly trying to sweeten the deal. I take a moment to regain my composure but once I do my mind starts to get to work. I put on my best posh accent and begin to speak.

"Hello sir, you aren't disturbing me. However, I would like to know more about this party before promising you a show." I hope that sounds professional.

"Ah, I thought you might say that. Here." He says as he hands me a sealed envelope. "That should be everything you need to know." I take the envelope and smile.

"Wonderful. Thank you. Would you mind returning here in three days? I should have an answer for you by then." I ask the man. His furry companion captures my focus as I wait for the mysterious man to give me an answer.

"That will be no trouble at all. I shall arrive here in three days time. Is there a certain time best suited to you?" This man is very polite, but then again, he is asking me for a favour. A paid favour, but a favour nonetheless. 

"Mid mornings are best for me. May I?" I say while holding my hand towards the dog's head. The man laughs a loud hearty laugh before nodding.

"Of course my dear girl. Tybalt loves attention." The man says, sounding more cheerful than before. I start to pet Tybalt's head which causes the dog to start wagging his tail wildly.

"Mid morning it is then." The man states. "Well, I'll leave you to your peace. Goodbye Miss Kingsly. Tybalt, come." The man turns to leave but I realise I don't know his name despite him apparently knowing mine.

"Excuse me sir? I hope you don't mind me asking but, what is your name?" I call out to the man as he starts to walk away. The man stops in his tracks. He turns around and calls to me.

"My apologies miss Kingsly. My name is Rupert Bamford." The man turns back around and carries on his merry way without another word. "What an odd man." I think to myself. "He had a cute dog though." I add on.

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