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Zee and Nunew had been living together for almost two years. However, they often got into arguments due to Zee's possessiveness. Zee was a very possessive boyfriend. He got jealous so easily when it comes to Nunew.

There's one time that they got into a huge fight. It was when Nunew's bestfriend since childhood, Edan hugged Nunew and called him ''babe''.
Zee was overly furious and can't control himself when he heard Edan called his lover ''babe''. So, he punched Edan right in his face just in front of Nunew. Since then, Nunew became very careful around Zee and that in order to avoid further problems, he even have to limit interactions with his friends. The only friend he was allowed to talk was ''Nat'', the boyfriend of Zee's bestfriend, Max.

''Nu'' called Zee in a calm tone.''You know what's the thing that I hate most in the entire world?''

''Hmm?'' Nu replied, but his eyes not inverting from the phone screen.

''It's cheating and lying. I won't tolerate this Nu. If I ever caught you cheating, I don't know what I would do to you. So, please don't.''

''Huh? Oh..Sure, Why Should I cheat when I have the most handsome boyfriend?? Isn't it, Hia? Don't you trust me huh?'' Nunew turned his gaze to Zee and reassured him by looking straight to his eyes.

Zee smiled and felt satisfied with Nu's reply. ''Ofc, Nhu. I believe in you. 'm just saying'' He kissed Nu on the cheeks and continued doing what he was doing.


Zee was actually from a broken family. Since his childhood, he had to experience many bad things which traumatized him so much that he became who he is now: having trust issues and over-possessive.

Since childhood, Zee had to witness his dad physically and mentally abusing his mom to the point that he grew up as a boy who don't easily trust people and who don't want to give a damn to that so-called ''love''.

He was traumatized and was afraid to love anyone. He was afraid that if he begins to love someone, that person would leave him behind at the end. Why? Because, even his parents who married out of love once, were now divorced, living their own lives.

As a child, Zee felt like he was actually never loved. At first, he was so lonely and helpless. But after sometime, he began to feel nothing at all. However, this emptiness came to an end when he met a boy. That boy who brings back his soul, who makes him laugh and feel loved for the very first time in his whole life.

At first, he completely ignore that boy, being afraid to fall in love with him. However, cupid brought them together and make them a couple. Now, they are living together under the same roof.

Unlike Zee, Nunew is a very cheerful person. He brings positivity to whoever is around him. He lights up the mood of everyone whereas Zee is always grumpy and gloomy.

It was quite evident that Nunew was brought up in a loving and caring family. He seems so innocent and fragile that Zee feels like he wants to protect that boy for life. Days turn into weeks, Weeks turn into years and over time, Zee became obsessive and over protective of Nunew.

Zee would make Nunew limit intimacy even with his childhood best friends. He would not allow Nunew to talk with anyone for more than 10 minutes. He even installed a tracking app on Nunew to make sure Nunew is safe. From Zee's pov, it's not that he don't trust Nunew. It's because he is afarid and worried that Nunew would leave behind him and he would lost Nunew.

As time flies, Nunew begin to notice Zee's abnormal behaviour. He began to act more careful around him to the point that he wasn't as cheerful and easygoing as before. He had to be extra careful so that they won't get into an argument.

Whenever they got into a fight, Zee usually turned into a person who Nunew seems not to know. He became more intimidating and frightening. Not even a bit like the caring and loving boyfriend of Nunew. The furious Zee would throw things aggressively and made a mess. Although he had never hit Nunew for once, Nunew was afraid of the infuriated Zee.

Author's Note: Hellooo I hope you guys enjoy the fic! There may be some grammatical and usage errors as English is not my mother tongue. I hope you guys understand teheee 💖✨ Pls Vote and Comment below. I would be over the moon to read ur comments 💖✨ and it would give me some motivation to write this story till the end 💖

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