Date night

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(Your POV)

2 years have passed. Sportacus have been doing long distance the whole 2 years we've been together. We tried to see one another for at least a week every month, and now it was easier now that the plane was finally fixed. it didn't always work out that way though; at times we wouldn't see each other for a couple months. however, summer was right around the corner and i was getting the opportunity to spend most of it with him. College got in the way for the most part. Sometimes Sportacus would stay with me, and i would fly to come see him. i got to really know Lazy Town, like it was my home away from home. I played with the kids with Sportacus, spent time with the Mayor and Bessie, and learned that Robbie wasn't all that bad of a guy, he was just lonely and misunderstood. it was hard being apart, but we loved each other enough to make it work. but some days were hard with college, and i wished Sportacus could be there to hold and comfort me. Luckily for me, i was close to graduating which made me extra excited.

One late afternoon in May after the semester ended, i was talking on the phone with Sportacus telling him how excited i was to get to spend the summer with him. "I can't wait for you to get here," he purred. "I miss your touch, and i miss that smile that lights up a room." I blushed through the phone. We have never had done 'it' yet, because both of us were striving for celibacy. but it was getting harder to not get my hands all over him and beg for him to take all of me, especially after a long time of not seeing each other. many times we've almost gone too far, but we've somehow managed to be successful at not getting too carried away. Sportacus tells me it would make him more comfortable to do it after marriage, and i fully agree.

The next morning, i was dropped off at the airport by (bff/n). "Have fun seeing your man, don't get too carried away though," she giggled, giving me a flirty wink. "Its hard not to, i practically throw myself on him every time i see him. he's so magnetic..." i swooned. "When do you think he's gonna propose?" (bff/n) asked, raising her eyebrows. "I'm not sure... hopefully when we get things figured out more, i suppose." i replied. "I better be your number one bridesmaid when that happens," she retorted playfully. "Duh," i grinned. "See you in a month, keep me updated!" waved (bff/n) as i got out of the car, waving back as i made my way through the doors of the airport.

I was so excited to see Sportacus, like i was every time. this time however, it felt like a different kind of excitement, like i was going to see my crush; i was giddy. maybe its because its been over a month since the last time i've seen him. i was nearly shaking from adrenaline, and it was hard to sit still on the plane. the 2 hour flight felt ages longer...

finally, the plane landed. i practically ran off the plane to find Sportacus waiting for me outside. "Sportacus!" i exclaimed as i sprinted into his arms and he picked me up and spun me around. "Princess, i missed you so much! i have so much planned for us," Sportacus said happily. "Like what?" i asked curiously. "its all a surprise, you'll have to find out. come say hi to the kids, they've been waiting for you!" He beamed.

Sportacus (POV)

It was so good to see (y/n)... i have been feeling extra lonely this past month. its so hard not getting to see her every day. but i am more than happy to get to spend a whole month with her, i have so many plans. i can't wait for her to graduate so we can have more freedom together. (y/n) and i spent some time playing with the kids after we got her belongings unpacked. i enjoyed getting to spend time with the kids and her, but honestly, i was impatiently waiting to get her all to myself. i was itching to to feel her soft skin and run my hands through her silky (h/c) hair as we lay together and talk about everything and nothing... i'm craving all of her.

after a long day of visiting with everyone, it was the evening, and finally i could have her all to myself and show her my plan for the evening. i was quite nervous to what she would think. "(y/n), now that we're alone, i want to show you my last plan i have set for the day," i smiled. "but first, we need to change into something a little more... fancy. Jump on my back," i chuckled as i allowed her to ride piggy-back style on my back. I started running as we both laughed the whole way to the airship.

(your POV)

i was curious to know what Sportacus had planned, since he wanted us to change into something fancy... i guess i was bound to find out. i put on a white cottage core dress that had a floral design with half sleeves. it was a gift from Sportacus, and it was my first time wearing it. Sportacus wore a black button down shirt with black dress pants. he's never looked so fine. "you look absolutely exquisite in my dress," he purred as he spun me around and dipped me, slowly kissing me. "Let's go, princess." He smiled flirtatiously as he motioned toward the platform to lower us to the ground.

He led me into the forest where our now favorite spot was. the sun was getting lower and lower, and the colors in the sky brought me back to the first time we watched the sunset. now we watch it every evening we're together.

i couldn't believe my eyes... a candle lit picnic with wine, and a whole feast awaiting us. there were several other candles surrounding the picnic, adding a glow to everything around them. the flames on the candles danced in the small breeze. even the blanket was covered in flower petals. "Oh Sportacus this is so romantic," I beamed as i walked over to the blanket and admired the beautiful setup. "Shall we eat, my dear?" Sportacus winked as he walked over to the other side of the blanket and sat down.

There was a fruits and vegetables, (sports candy) arranged neatly on a white, glass platter. plus many other little things to snack on, like fresh bread and small cupcakes, decorated with blue and purple frosting. The main dish was baked salmon, which sat in the middle of the blanket in a large dish. "Let's pray," Sportacus smiled. i nodded and folded my hands. "heavenly father, i pray that you bless this food and may it nourish our bodies. and i thank you for this wonderful girl in my life, may we have many more years together." Sportacus said as he gave me a wink. "Amen," i grinned.

We ate the delicious meal and laughed as we drank some wine and reminisced about old times as the sun set. it was crazy to see how far we've come.

"I have one more surprise for you tonight darling," Sportacus smiled gently. "(y/n), from the moment i saved you from falling out of that tree i knew that for the rest of my life i wanted to protect you and be there always by your side." he began. "I want to continue our adventure until we grow old together," Sportacus said as he got on one knee and pulled out a ring from his back pocket. "(y/n), will you be my—"

"YES!! A THOUSAND TIMES YES SPORTACUS!!" i exclaimed with sheer excitement as i jumped on top of him, knocking him to the ground as i squeezed him. we both laughed. "i've been waiting for this moment for a long time," i grinned from ear-to-ear. "here, let's see how it fits," Sportacus said while i was still on top of him as he put the beautiful diamond ring on my finger.

"it's beautiful, Sportacus

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"it's beautiful, Sportacus..." i smiled, then leaning into him to kiss his perfect, soft lips.

Caught Up in Lazy Town (Sportacus x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now