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(your pov)

"He's just an idiot, don't let it bother you." said my best friend (bff/n).

i had just broken up with TJ, the guy i was talking to for over 2 months. relationships were never really something i was successful with. my standards were just too high for any man i've dated.

"keep those standards sky high," said (bff/n). "you need to find someone who's gonna make you a priority and adore you, unlike TJ!" i flopped down on my bed and covered my face with a pillow. "is there even anyone that exists that can meet my standards? i don't think so. if there is, i haven't met him yet, or maybe i never will." i sulked.

"don't worry, we'll find you someone." she assured me as she sat next to me and patted my head. "at least we have the college field trip to look forward to! T-minus 9 hours!" (bff/n) said with excitement. "that's true, i guess. there's something to look forward to..." i sighed.

"Peru is gonna be amazing! maybe we can find you a cute man there," (bff/n) winked. "oh please, if anything i want to take a long break from dating," i rolled my eyes.

Our college was offering a trip to Lima, Peru for Spring break, and of course (bff/n) and i were all about it. we've been looking forward to the trip ever since we signed up 6 months ago. I was especially excited since i've never really travelled out of the country before. i was hoping a little vacation would help get my mind off of some things and help get a fresh start.

2:24 a.m.

"shit! our flight leaves in one hour wake up! Jake is outside waiting for us!" (Jake is your best friend's boyfriend) (bff/n) shouted as she shot up from my bed and shook me. "how come the alarm didn't go off? did you set it?" i said as i quickly sat up. "i... might've forgot. but don't come at me! i was too busy giving you sympathy last night to remember, can you blame me?!" she screeched. luckily our bags were packed and ready to go so we both slipped into some clothes, brushed our teeth, grabbed some granola bars for the ride, and ran out to Jake's car.

after Jake dropped us off at the airport, we burst through the doors.

at the check-in, we practically threw our tickets at the woman at the desk. she gave us a blank stare and rolled her eyes.

then we ran to the security when (bsf/n) exclaimed, "shoot, i forgot my headphones in the car, i can't survive without them! i'll meet you on the plane. hold the flight for me!" She quickly sprinted back outside to catch her boyfriend. "ugh! hurry!" i yelled.

i grabbed my bag and headed toward our plane, quickly forgetting our boarding gate number. "wasn't it... 69? or was it 96?" i stopped in my tracks. "whatever, i'll know when i get there." i thought as i grabbed my bag and ran toward the departures hall.

i found boarding gate 69 and ran until i made it onto the plane. one of the flight assistants quickly sat me down. she was dressed in a cartoonish purple polka dotted dress and had bright orange hair. "luckily you just made it, we're taking off right now. please buckle up!" she smiled warmly. "wait, my best friend is still coming! she forgot something in the car just outside the airport, can you wait for her?" i begged. "i'm sorry, miss. but we are already 20 minutes behind schedule. she's just going to have to wait until this plane gets back to the airport, since its the only plane that flies to Lazy Town." She frowned.

"What?! you cant wait 5 minutes for her to get here?!" I ranted. "that's just flight policy, i'm sorry. she shrugged.

"wait... Lazy Town?!" i mumbled.

"Everyone get ready we are taking off!" The flight attendant announced. "please buckle up and enjoy the flight."

"Wait! i think i'm on the wrong—" i tried shouting but it was too late... the plane was already accelerating.

"Quickly, i called (bsf/n).

you: i'm positive i just got on the wrong flight... the plane i boarded just took off and no one from our class is here.

(bsf/n): what?! i was wondering where you were, i noticed everyone else but you! where the hell are you flying to (y/n)?!

you: apparently i'm going somewhere called Lazy Town... oh gosh (bsf/n) what am i gonna do??

(bsf/n): don't worry, we will figure this out! maybe you can catch a separate flight to Peru from there. this same kind of situation happened to my dad before, so don't feel dumb. it happens, especially since this is your first time flying. i'll let Professor know right away.

you: okay... thanks, (bsf/n). hopefully this works out... i'm kind of scared.

(bsf/n): like i said, don't worry! i'll be—

then, the service cut out.

"shoot!" i muttered. now what? i'm stuck on the wrong plane going to some place called 'Lazy Town', i messed up big time. how could i be so stupid?! i really hope i can get myself out of this...

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