Getting to know you

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(Sportacus POV)

spending the whole day with (y/n) was quite pleasant. there's so many things about her that's so...different.

not to mention it was getting late, and i was wondering where she was going to spend the night. i was kind of hoping it would be with me... oh, to feel her in my arms once again. i could stare into those eyes for hours...

(your POV)

Mr. Meanswell invited all of us over for dinner. after a long day of venturing around the town and staring at Sportacus made me famished. Bessie Busybody who was a close friend to Mr. Meanswell had cooked some homemade lasagna. we all sat down in the dining room at the Mayor's house. I took a seat across from Stephanie who sat next to Stingy. Trixie attempted to try to sit next to me before Sportacus distracted her to look in the other direction so he could steal a spot next to me.

"Hey! not fair! i wanted to sit next to (y/n)!" Trixie whined. "I need to make sure she's protected just in case she happens to put herself into anymore danger. we wouldn't want her falling out of a tree during dinner," Sportacus giggled as he gave me another one of his flirtatious winks. "Oh alright, fine!" Trixie pouted as she sat on the other side of him. I blushed and grinned, embarrassingly trying to hide my bright red cheeks.

"So what do you think of the town?" Bessie asked as she passed out napkins across the table. "i love it here, it reminds me of my town back at home, small but full of good spirits," i smiled. "I'm glad you feel at home here, well, all of us do!" Sportacus said as he gently squeezed my knee under the table, sending a feeling of electricity through my whole body.

"I-I really appreciate all of your h-hospitality," i stuttered as i almost choked on my lasagna. how embarrassing... i could barely speak anytime this man made any sort of physical contact with me. maybe it contributed to the fact i was so touch deprived.

"i think i wouldn't mind spending the night here until Sportacus takes me to Peru in his airship tomorrow morning," i said with slight sadness in my voice. was i crazy for not wanting to leave? i was so excited to get the opportunity to see Peru with my best friend, but now that i'm here i don't really want to leave... especially leave this gorgeous and sweet hunk of a man sitting next to me.

"oh that's great! i have a spare bedroom if you'd like to sleep there tonight," Bessie offered. "but Sportacus has the coolest bed ever in his airship! i bet you would love it!" said Ziggy as he pulled out a lolipop from under the table and started licking it. "Finish your food before dessert!" shouted Stingy. Ziggy stuck out his tongue at Stingy and continued to lick his lolipop. "well... that is true. I would admit my airship bed is pretty cool," Sportacus chuckled as he finished off the last piece of lasagna. "you could sleep there if you'd like also, but it is completely up to you, miss (y/n)." said Sportacus as he took both mine and his plate to the sink.

"i guess its not every day i get to spend the night in an airship, i'll sleep there tonight." I smiled at him from across the kitchen.

(Sportacus POV)

She wants to sleep in my airship? i didn't think she'd actually agree... not that i am complaining though. i'd love to give her a tour, maybe she will want to stay a little longer after seeing how cool it is. i hate to think of her leaving me...

The kids left and the mayor and Bessie went in the living room to relax. So now it was just (y/n) and I. finally...

the sun was almost getting ready to set, the colors in the sky were turning a pinkish purple color.

i wanted to ask her so many questions. i wanted to know everything about her, and maybe even feel her warm, gentle body against mine just once more before she had to leave me.

"come on (y/n), i want to show you a spot!" i exclaimed as i ran off into the forest behind the neighborhood. "wait up!" she giggled as she quickly sprinted in after me. surprisingly she caught up to me relatively fast. "wow, look at you! you're pretty quick," i beamed as we ran alongside each other. "i might've been a little bit of a track star back in middle school and high school," she said nearly gasping for air. "i haven't ran since then as you can probably tell," she laughed. i laughed along with her. "Don't worry we're almost there!" i huffed.

we reached the middle of the forest which was open and had a giant rock in the middle. this was one of my favorite spots in the town, and she was the first to see it.

"look at the sky... its beautiful," she said as she gazed at the vibrant colors that painted the sky. "this place is so pretty, do you come to this spot often?" she asked as she sat down on the rock, her eyes inviting me to sit next to her.

"pretty often, actually. sometimes i come here to clear my head after a long day," i said, sitting closer to her. "i bet it gets pretty hard, you know...saving people's lives all day," she implored. "sometimes it can be a little stressful, but i love my job. protecting people and teaching others to be the best versions of themselves is my favorite thing in the world," i replied, looking up at the sky. "that's awesome that you're so passionate about what you do, you don't meet many people that really love what they do." (y/n) said with sincerity.

"I hope i can do what i do for as long as i live," I sighed softly as i leaned back to see watch the sun set at a better angle.

"okay this might be a weird question but... can i touch your mustache? it's just so pointy and i wanna touch it, (y/n) giggled. "Certainly you can," I giggled back. She stroked my mustache until it made my lip tickle. "that tickles!" I chuckled. "how do you get it to be so pointy?" she asked with a grin. "let's just say i use a lot of gel," i replied trying not to burst out laughing.

(your POV)

for a little while, we sat in silence just admiring the sky's beauty as the sun began to set. it was getting a little chilly, and i tried my best to ignore that. "getting a little chilly there?" Sportacus asked. he could probably tell i was getting a little cold because i was starting to shiver. "here, take my shirt," he said as he took his blue shirt and draped it around me. "maybe its not very good for coverage, but hopefully it helps," he chuckled now all he wore was his white under-shirt, his rock-solid abs peeking through the fabric. 'thank you," i smiled softly.

"well, do you suppose we should head over to the airship and get you settled in for the night?" Sportacus asked as he helped me off the rock. "i suppose that's a good idea. race you there!" i squealed as i took off running back out of the forest. "you're a fast one alright!" laughed Sportacus as he ran after me.

Caught Up in Lazy Town (Sportacus x y/n)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora