Welcome to Lazy Town!

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(your POV)

After 3 hours, i finally arrived.

"We have finally arrived to our destination. Welcome to Lazy Town!" the flight attendant smiled cheekily.

i had just noticed there was barely anyone on the plane, just 6 others beside myself. i should've took that as a sign that this was definitely not the right flight. just another reason to make me feel stupid.

getting off the plane there was a short, stubby man wearing a yellowish orange suit who greeted us.

"Welcome, welcome!" he beamed. He was so animated he almost looked like a cartoon character.

i quickly ran up to him and couldn't help but start crying. My anxiety was just eating me alive. "Why are you crying?" he gasped. "Sir, i got on the wrong flight! i'm supposed to be in Peru with the rest of my class and now i'm all alone!" i cried. "don't worry, dear! i can help you. come to my office and relax and we will help you get to Peru!" he smiled gently as he escorted me.

"I'm Mayor Milford Meanswell by the way," he shook my hand giving me a doarkish smile. "(y/n)," i giggled.

i walked with him to his home, admiring all of the cartoonish looking houses. every building popped with yellows, blues, and greens. i was starting to think this town was straight out of a kid's TV show.

we arrived to his home. he let me into his office, which was bright red with a small window. he sat me down in one of his chairs. "i know someone who will be a great help! My niece, Stephanie. I'm sure she would be happy to give you a tour of the town while i make some phone calls." He said. "Stephanie!" He yelled out the window. "Come meet my new friend (y/n)!"

Suddenly a young girl probably around 13 years old with pink hair and pink everything came crawling through the window. "Stephanie, (y/n). (y/n), Stephanie." Mayor Meanswell introduced us. "nice to meet you!" Stephanie said enthusiastically. like the mayor, she was also very animated in character. "Stephanie, would you mind showing miss (y/n) around the town for a bit while i try to get her to her right destination? She took the wrong flight and ended up here instead. Make her feel comfortable!" He grinned at the both of us as he grabbed the phone and dialed in a number.

"So you got on the wrong flight, huh?" Stephanie asked as we walked out of the Mayor's house. "Yeah... somehow i was dumb enough to end up here instead of with the rest of my class in Peru," i chuckled. "well this was a great mistake! you'll love it here, i promise. once i show you around maybe you'll never want to leave!" Stephanie giggled as she motioned me to a basketball court in the middle of the neighborhood where there were a few other kids playing.

"Everyone, this is (y/n). She's here by accident so we should all make her feel welcome. She got on the wrong flight," Stephanie said. "This is Stingy, Ziggy, and Trixie." All the kids were pretty weird looking, wearing bright colored clothes and spunky personality.

"It's nice to meet you, glad to have a new visitor, we don't get many of those!" said Ziggy. He was enjoying a giant lollipop."i'm sorry you got on the wrong flight, i'm sure you're probably feeling a little stressed out," Trixie said sympathetically. "It's alright, i feel a lot better than i did earlier." I smiled.

"Do you wanna play with us for a little bit?" Stingy asked. "Sure!" I replied. "the first one to get to the top of that tree is a rotten egg!" Stingy shouted pointing to a tree across the courtyard.

The five of us ran to the tree and started climbing. I was ahead of everyone else, however i wasn't surprised because i've always been good at climbing trees ever since i was little. Then suddenly, one of the branches under my feet started to break.

quickly, i grabbed onto the branch above my head as the branch snapped and fell to the ground. "aghh! help!" i exclaimed. i tried to pull myself up but it was no use.

"oh no, (y/n) hold on!" Stephanie shouted from below. "Guys hurry! i can't hold on for much longer!" i whimpered.

And just like that, my life flashed before my eyes as my hands slipped from the branch and i headed straight for the ground.

but to my surprise, instead of feeling the hard ground, i instead felt soft, but brawny arms wrap around me and catch me before i made it to the ground.

"Are you alright miss?"

Caught Up in Lazy Town (Sportacus x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now