28. Preempt

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take action in order to prevent (an anticipated event) from happening; forestall.


John shivered, his hands numb. Warmth pressed against his back. He opened his eyes to see grey sunlight filtering through the ripped curtains. 

"You okay, Johnny?" Simon's deep voice broke the silence. "You're shaking."

"It's feckin' freezing," he muttered, turning over to bury his face in Ghost's bare chest. 

"Mm. Good thing you're so hot." 

John chuckled. "Fuck off." 

"Gaz is going to want to sleep soon. It will be our turn to keep watch."


"So we should get up." 

"Nah." John sighed.

"What do you mean, 'nah'?" Ghost smirked.

"I'll fuck you this evening if you get up right now," Simon offered, smirking at how red John's face became as he stumbled off the bed, quickly dressing himself and donning his bulletproof vest. He shivered against the cold, wrapping himself in the coat Ghost had given him as he slung his SPX-80 sniper rifle over his shoulder.

"You coming?" He asked. 

"I will tonight," Ghost responded, making John's face even redder. the Brit noticed that his lover's ears also got quite pink when he got flustered...

How cute...

"I-I'm well aware, sir, are you coming to keep watch with me?" 

"Might as well." Simon yawned, stretching as he sat up. The blanket slid off of him as he stood, revealing every inch of his bare body. Shamelessly staring, John just watched while Simon got ready for the day. He didn't bother looking away until Ghost walked up to him and kissed his cheek through the fabric of his balaclava.

"You've got a staring problem," he stated, opening the door to the room and gesturing for Soap to follow. Shaking his head and smiling, John, followed his Lieutenant to the roof, where Gaz waited. 

"Was wondering when you two would show up." Kyle yawned, turning toward them. "Fucking exhausted." 

"Anything you wanna let us know before you head to sleep?"

"Yes, most of the activity seems to happen on the top floors." He began. "But trucks go in and out once an hour, every hour. For what, I don't know. Looking through the windows, all I see are beds. I don't know much, but I'd assume Makarov's housing a fucking army in there."

"Hm... Right. Thanks, Gaz, get some sleep." Soap smiled, giving the younger man a playful tap on the shoulder as he walked past them. 

"Will do, enjoy staring at that fucking building." Gaz closed the door to the roof behind him, leaving Simon and John on their own. 

"Shall we?" John asked, nearing the edge of the roof, laying on his stomach. He positioned his rifle on the edge of the building, looking over the apartment complex in the distance. The supposed Inner Circle base. 

Ghost laid down beside him, looking through the scope of his own sniper rifle. 

"I'm seeing the beds Gaz mentioned," John mumbled, analyzing what he could see through the windows. "Not many men, though."

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