20. Lull

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a temporary interval of quiet or lack of activity.


Content Warning: Sexual Content, Scars, Injury


Breathing heavily, John shuddered as pleasure coursed through his veins. Cum coated his abdomen and thighs. He felt Simon climb off him, leaving the bed. 

He's leaving already?

Biting the inside of his lip, John covered his eyes with his arm. He heard Simon reenter the bedroom, standing at the foot of the bed. Ghost gently pushed John's thighs apart again. Soap looked up to see Simon gingerly cleaning the viscous liquid off his inner thighs and stomach with a warm, damp towel. 

"You hip feel okay?" Ghost asked, looking over the stitches. 

"Eh, hurts a bit but I'll live." 

"Mm." Simon left a small kiss on John's inner thigh, smiling at the man. "Let me know if it gets worse."

"I will." 

Ghost left the towel on the edge of the bed, cuddling into John who smiled, ruffling Simon's hair as he lay beside the Scotsman. Soap wrapped his arms around his lover's waist. 

"I didn't hurt you too much, did I?" Simon asked, tangling his fingers in John's short mohawk. 

"No, don't worry." 

Simon clung to the slightly smaller man, tucking his head into John's shoulder. Glancing down, Soap finally had the opportunity to look over Ghost's naked body, uninterrupted. Bullet wound scars, entry and exit, were scattered all over him. Burns littered his legs, cuts sprinkled all over his body. "You're beautiful, sir." Ghost chuckled, the sound earning a smile from the Scotsman.

Simon had a massive 'y' incision scar on his chest, which confused John. 

I thought that was only used in autopsies. I don't know of any surgery that needs access to the entire chest cavity...?

Simon inhaled sharply as John ran his fingers over the scar, watching as he traced the lines down his chest. 

"Simon?" John asked softly.


"What's this from?" The moment the words left Soap's lips, the temperature of the room seemed to drop several degrees. 

Ghost tensed. "Just an old wound." Sensing the nerve he struck, John closed his eyes, exhaling deeply. Eventually, Simon relaxed again, melting into the Scotsman's embrace. 

"You mind if I sleep for a bit, Simon?"

"Go on, my love." He sighed. "I'll keep watch."

John chuckled. "You'll keep watch?"

"Ah fuck. Force of habit."

"While ass naked in bed with someone you just fucked?" 

"Yes," Simon mumbled sarcastically, clinging to Johnny. "Shut up and let me hold you."

"Yes, sir." John chuckled, relaxing into the Brit's embrace. Ghost had his arms firmly around his waist, the taller man's chest pressed to his back. Soap could feel his companion's heartbeat, lulling him. He tried to stay awake, to keep that moment lasting as long as possible, but sleep eventually took him. Warmth and darkness met him again, but this time, more comforting. 

Simon's voice whispered to him. He couldn't understand what the man was saying, but he knew it was his lover's voice. Speaking softly, soothing him. 

MacTavish had never enjoyed the pleasure of feeling safe. For the longest time, he'd felt cornered, on edge, ready for a fight. But... in Simon's arms... there was this feeling of comfort, security. The feeling of knowing the fight was over, at least for the moment. 

Eventually, Simon's words faded, leaving just his heartbeat. 

The gentle, repetitive sound lulled Soap further, pulling him further into the tranquillity of sleep.

Just for a second, his eyes opened to see Simon's relaxed body. To feel his warm embrace. To hear his gentle breathing. To know peace. 


Short chapter, sorry. Didn't want to drag it on if fewer words say the same amount. The next chapter will be out soon, and it won't be this short, trust me. :)

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