"What?" We all exclaimed as once, our eyes bugging at the traitor.

Liam just shrugged. "All I know is that she seemed nice when I showed her to her room. Just polite, I guess."

Lou jumped off of me and over the back of the couch, examining Liam's neck and head with wide, frightened eyes. "What're you doing, Louis?" exclaimed Liam, trying to push the boy away.

"Trying to find the mind control device she must have attached to you." He ran his long fingers through his hair, jerking his head side to side before leaping around to face him. Louis' hand met Liam's cheek with a painful crack and he yelled, "Come back to us, Liam!"

Liam jumped to his feet, pushing Louis to the ground roughly. "Don't you dare.." he hissed threateningly. For a second I thought Liam had finally had enough of Louis' antics and from where Louis sat on the floor it looked like he was about to fight back, but suddenly both boys broke out into huge grins and I audibly sighed with relief. Liam offered his hand down to Louis and helped him up, then brought him down into his lap, letting the boy stretch out on both of us again. If anyone else besides us had seen that, or the way we looked so peaceful like this, might have thought something was up. I, however, never wondered about our relationship. There was no questioning our sexuality, despite the fact that half the world did. I was secure in my masculinity, as were the other boys, and that was that. End of story.

Liam sighed, the end coming out in a chuckle. "I just can't be mean to anyone, girls especially. I don't know if I can be rude to Delia, even after what she has done."

"Yea," Harry curled up under his blanket, his hair falling in his green eyes, as he admitted. "We kinda suck at being mean."

Although we all laughed about that statement there was no denying it. I, for one, liked being nice to people, not only because I wanted people to like me, but because you should just be good to others. It was the right thing to do. Over the years I had realized the other boys sucked at it, too. We could be mean if we needed to, like if we were angry or upset, but it took work. Besides, if we were ever bent out of shape about something we usually calmed each other down, knowing anger was not necessary.

"Well if she's gonna be that way towards us, I am sure as heck not going to hold back on her." Zayn said, scratching his chest sleepily. ''I guess we will have to see, though. It is her decision. One wrong word and me and her are in for it. She is already annoying me, and she's just asleep."

"She's quite good at grating on my nerves." Louis said with a twinge of respect. It was an accomplishment to annoy the Sassmaster, really. Maybe I would tell her tomorrow, and we could laugh and be friends. Why couldn't we? Oh yeah, because she is trying to take over our careers, and everything we worked for.

Harry yawned, and flipped his hair to the side, looking up at us with sleepy eyes. "Remember in that one interview a while back? One of the questions was how we would feel about a girl member in the band. What about now? Do we really think that?"

No one replied. We had discussed it later, when we had gotten back home, about the whole "girl member" idea. Louis had said it might be fun, and everyone had agreed that if the girl was cute and had a good sense of humor then it would be fine, as long as she did not interfere with our bromance time. Would it be fun, now? Could it be, now that we know who the girl is?

After a long pause I said, "We don't even know her. We should try to. Maybe we will find she ain't half bad."

Liam patted my head and smiled, "Nice idea, Nialler. I knew you were good for something." He tugged on my hair playfully as he said, "Now if you would please get off my bed, I would like to have some shut eye before Rosie comes to cook our breakfast."

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