"It means, love, that if we request you to write a biography for One Direction, that your contract is switched over to Modest, and we will own you for the duration of the writing process." I winced as he spoke, and slowly sank back into the chair. Yes, I understood that plain and clear. He had me trapped there, but then I brightened. For the duration of the writing process! I could write fast and get it over with, then my company would publish it and I would be free once more. My smile must have been noticeable, because all of the businessmen frowned deeply.

"I see you are aware of how I run into a little problem with this." Mr. Griffiths continued. "So I rang up that little company of yours, and made a bit of.... a deal with them."

Before I could open my mouth to ask, the woman from earlier entered, a headset pressed to her ear. "The papers have been faxed over, sir, and the boys have arrived at the hotel."

"Perfect!" Mr. Griffiths clapped his hands with excitement, and took the file from the woman. "Tell the boys to wait for me in the conference room over, Ms. Donaloo. We will soon have something very important to discuss."

The woman nodded and left the room, muttering into her headset to "release them". The whole room watched her leave, before aiming their attention back at the madly grinning head of management.

"As I was saying," he continued, waving the file in his hands. "I arranged a deal with the people you signed for. If I had you write two books on the boys, along with writing the screenplay for the next documentary, and gave all the credit to your dear old company, then your contract would be permanently transferred to Modest Management. That means that I would own your name, your voice, your image, your fame and fortune, everything."

Mr. Magee smiled evilly along with his partner, "And did they agree with this deal?"

A chill ran down my spine as every head turned to me, watching for my reaction as Richard Griffiths responded with a smug, "They certainly did."

It felt like an entire tidal wave knocked into me, taking all the air from my lungs, and shoving me deep below the ocean, where I would never be able to return to the open sky. I felt as if I could not swim, or save myself, from the forceful waves repeatedly consuming me in its watery grasp. My head was spinning, and I could not even think what this truly meant for my future, because it would shock me too much. I could not handle this, or accept this.

"No.." I said softly, eyes wide and breathing quick. My mind brain fought to now accept this new information, to deny it, and call it a lie, but slowly it began to seep in.

One of the businessmen spoke up for the first time, ignoring the panicky denial I was experiencing. "She will be able to stay in the suite with the boys, and you can announce publicly tomorrow that she is the new member."

New member? Not me, can not be me. My body was frozen, and so many word were built in my throat, but they were stuck, as was I in this seat, unable to move. I heard the men converse distantly, not really paying attention to what they were saying, but listening to it nonetheless in the back of my mind.

"Arrange a conference with the paparazzi so I can officially announce it, make it as public as possible. I want this to be the talk of every television host, news cast, and blog in Europe and America. People will be asking Parliament what they think of this phenomenon, got it?"

"Yes sir, and the music? Will she be singing their songs with them during concerts, or will we wait until the next album to add her?" asked another man. Somewhere in my mind I agreed that was a good question.

"There will be no waiting. She can have a quick training session by herself with the recorders, and David, then we will bring in the rest of the voices later for her to work with. If she is good enough we may give her someone else's solo, and let her perform at a few interviews before we bring her into the concerts. We will have a lot of work to do, and everyone will have to give more hours, but in the long run will impact our careers for the better."

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