"Helloooo, London!" said one of them. From the name chanted around the theater I guessed his name was Liam. I felt embarrased for a second that I had always called him Harry. To be truthful, I had called them all Harry, since his was the only name I ever heard.

Soon enough, the deep bass began again, thumping through my body like a second heartbeat. I had never been to a concert before, and I was strangely glad this was my first. Ha, One Direction was my first...

"It feels like we've been living in fast forward,

Another moment passing by

The party's ending but it's now or never

Nobody's going home tonight."

The entire place erupted into singing the lyrics along with the boys, including Tori.

"This isn't What Makes You Beautiful?" I questioned into her ear.

"Well, duh," she said, laughing. "That was the first single."

"You mean they have other songs?" She ignored me as the song reached its bridge, and my attention went back to the stage. The boys did not dance or stand by each other as they sang, but rather skipped and played around on the stage as they sang, sometimes stopping to mess with one another. I had expected sychronized dance moves, and cheap boy band poses, but was instead faced with real fun on stage, like they were actual teenage boys. I quickly admired that about their performance.

They sang three more songs, stopping in between to thank everyone and say how much they appreciated their support. I quickly became entrance by every song, loving their harmonization, and their heavenly voices. Just watching them on stage, singing with so much passion and vigor, I became intoxicated by their voices, and hypnotized by their movements. I felt like an actual fangirl.

After a stage change the boys came back on, and the blonde one, Niall I remembered, spoke to the crowd. "So now it is time for the most important part of a One Direction concert...Twitter!" I watched them stand on the tiny stage created in the middle of the audience. Harry began scanning the crowd near us, and Tori grabbed my wrist and began waving our arms wildly. With a chuckle into the microphone, Harry returned the wave, causing Tori to scream a noise louder than I thought a human could possibly make.

Niall answered the first question about his guitar, as Liam, for some odd reason began singing the theme song for Batman. After a "technical difficulty" they answered a question about Disney movies and found the Tweeter out in the crowd, followed by one about food, where they had a problem spotting out Row S, finally settling that it did not exist.

"It looks like they have to use the Lou." said Tori in my ear and I burst out laughing at how true that statement was. They could not quit moving around the small platform, and spent much of the time bumping into one another.

"No kidding." I responded with a grin.

The rest of the concert was spent watching them sing and play around on the stage, dancing to the upbeat songs and swaying to the slower ones. I had thought that this would be the most dreadful experience of my life, and would hate Tori afterwards, but I was truly enjoying this, especially since I was spending it with a close friend. Even more surprising than that, not only did I love the concert, but I seriously loved those boys. I would never admit that, though.


*Louis' P.O.V.*

"That was g-g-great!' I cheered as we ran off the stage after the final performance. My head was buzzing with the music and electricity flowing throughout the whole building. I grabbed my side as I took deep gulps of air to catch my breath, enjoying those few seconds when I come off stage and I still can not believe how amazing that feeling is. I am so lucky for this to be my job, and to finally be on tour again.

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