Part five

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Neteyam's Pov:

"Gross." I commented and scrunched my nose, he just laughed.

"Want to see what Kiri and Rotxo are doing? I'm sure they're together." He asked and I nodded.

He then led me to a different part of the ocean that we went to yesterday, and sure enough, they were together.

"Hey guys!" I shouted out and ran towards them, tackling Kiri and falling into the sand with her.

"You dick!" She shouted in response and I got to running, knowing she's going to try to kill me.

"NUNG HELP" I yelled and he just laughed at us.

"CATCH HIM ROTXO!" She screamed as I passed by the two water boys.

"NO!" I replied to him and tackled her again.

"You bitch." She hissed and wacked me with her tail.

"OW!" I whined and she rolled her eyes.

"What were you two doing today?" Rotxo asked and Nung replied.

"I taught him the basics of diving and we found stuff on the shore." He shrugged and Kiri looked at me with a smirk.

"Ooo, sounds fun. Did you do anything else?" She grinned and I punched her leg.

"No, we didn't." I glared at her and she laughed.

"What'd you two do?" I said and reversed the question.

"Rotxo showed me the reef." She blushed and he nodded shuly when I looked at him.

I immediately understood what happened.

"Details later." I demanded to her and she nodded.

"Want to go swimming with us?" I asked, I really love swimming.

"Yeah!" Kiri answered and we ran into the water, Nung and Rotxo closely behind us.

"Ooo! Let's play Chicken Fight!" Kiri suggested and I got excited.

"What's that?" They asked at the same time, causing me and Kiri to gasp.

"There's no way you don't know what chicken Fight is." Kiri said in disbelief.

"No..?" Rotxo replied.

"So it's basically when you get onto someone's shoulders and try to knock over the other person on someone's else's shoulders whoever falls first loses and who knocked them over gets a point." I explained and they took in the information.

"Oh.." Rotxo nodded.

"Sounds fun, I chose 'Teyam!" Nung said and pushed Rotxo to Kiri.

"I want to go against Kiri!" I replied and went behind Nung to get on his shoulders. He crouched down and lifted me up onto them, resting his hands on my calves.

"Bet!" She replied and got onto Rotxo's shoulders.

"Ready!" Kiri said and Ao'nung Walked toward her so I could push her.

"AH!" She squealed and pushed me back.

"HAHAHA!" I laughed as he struggled to keep her balance.

"RUDE!" She said and poked my rib, making me squirm since I'm ticklish.

"NOT FAIR!" I shouted and pushed her as she pushed me, but her push was harder so I tipped to the side a little.

"AH-!" I squeaked as I moved a little too much to the right.

"KIRI!" I shouted and she pushed me over once more just before I fell.

"AHA! I WIN!!!" She shouted in victory and we all laughed.

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