18. Erica's problems and our enemy Lance! Beginning and end of the war.

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This was the last part of my fanfic and the relationship between Ali and Nevra and their children that began their future life

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This was the last part of my fanfic and the relationship between Ali and Nevra and their children that began their future life. Thank you all for your attention and understanding and for sticking with me for so long.

After half a month - the gestational age - 8.5 months.

Since then, Nevra has finally recovered, calmly passing through the headquarters and already performing the tasks that he so dreamed of with that injury. Now he no longer blamed himself that then I only looked after him and could not get anywhere else. The vampire quickly remedied this by spending time with me from working as Shadow Chief, training, and hanging out with Karen, who still didn't understand why her brother was so protective of her and didn't let her get too close to Chrome. After all, she had heard from Evelain about a potion made at the headquarters that protected against pregnancy, and even doubted that her brother had recently forgotten to use it, being only next to me. She even challenged him to such a conversation once.

**** Nevra and Karen talking about a potion that protects against flying.

Nevra came to the room of his sister, who called him urgently. Knocking, he received permission to enter and when he entered he saw an excited Karen.

- Karen, did something happen? You're kind of out of your mind. - The vampire said excitedly, being next to her and looking into her eyes.

- Nevra. - She looked into his eyes a little guiltily. - Tell me, is it true that there is a potion in the headquarters that, with close relationships, does not allow you to get pregnant if you use it?

The vampire was very surprised by her question, but he knew about it and did not hide it from her.

- Yes, there is such a thing and many use it, because it works for 6 months.

- So why? - Karen grabbed her brother by the black scarf that was around his shoulders. - Why did you let Alya fly away from you? - Did you want to cross your line of womanizer and be left with only one?

- Karen, honey, you know. - Understanding the excitement of his sister, he sat down next to her, hugging her and stroking her head. - I haven't used this potion for a long time. - Karen looked at him in disbelief. Why wasn't he careful? - Yes, when we appeared at the headquarters and I was looking for the one that would heal my heart from the wound inflicted by Leah, I actively used it, because anyone could use this opportunity to get me near. But their answers to marriage and serious relationships, the girls only laughed and did not take me seriously, when I went around almost all such candidates for this position, I stopped even thinking about any intimacy with any girl from the headquarters and other environs, because on assignments it wasn't before that. - He looked into her eyes again and saw a slight surprise there. - Since I didn't find someone here that could heal my wounds, I just calmly talked with girls and flirted, the maximum that could come down to kisses and small dates, but not for intimacy. And when Alya appeared, I had completely forgotten about that potion, feeling myself next to her, not that ordinary womanizer, but the one who was with you. An ordinary and beloved vampire who found his love in one, and Alya herself, during our meetings, did not want to rush into intimacy, therefore, on one of our dates, I was as if unconscious from feelings and love for her, I only wanted her, and she allowed and only afterwards did he remember that he had not used the potion for a long time. But having met Alya, I didn't think about him anymore, because she was very interested in me, and I wanted her to be only with me, as happened. Fear at the expense of an unplanned pregnancy and seeing in her the mother of my child and the one who healed the annoying wound and was there all the time, without leaving, I accepted my fate. So if she flew away from me, as happened then, then I was ready to marry her and raise common children with common love and care.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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