14. Naytili's attack on the headquarters and a trip to Balenvia.

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A lot of time has passed since that conversation, because after that Nevra was loaded with new work and missions sent from different parts of Eldarya

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A lot of time has passed since that conversation, because after that Nevra was loaded with new work and missions sent from different parts of Eldarya. After all, not only there were problems near the headquarters of El, but also among other peoples with whom a contract was concluded and relations were established with local residents.

Yes, and this was understandable even in those departures, I tried hard not to lose heart and help the guards as much as I could according to my position.

Sometimes I wondered what kind of powers I have if the potion showed that I am a weak inhabitant of this world or my ancestors. I even tried to remember my parents' stories about something so special, but unfortunately nothing came to mind. Either all the same there was no such manifestation, or it was very distant, who no one would remember or use. But even though it was upsetting, I tried to hold on and sometimes asked Icarus for books about such superpowers that can exist in the world.

Basically, such abilities are visible almost from birth and are inherited, although with each era they may become weaker, especially if these are not pure-blooded families.

Perhaps in my generation it was just like that, and therefore I did not feel almost anything of the forces and even special in comparison with others.

Chrome and Evelain never returned from Balenvia, apparently they still haven't solved the problems there, I hope they will arrive soon and Karen will calm down a little when she sees the werewolf and will not be too angry with her brother, who is almost constantly busy at work and advice. He rarely saw his sister and spent time with her, I let him go to her, noticing her sad state on walks with a friend. Yes, and I myself once promised her that I would let Nevra go to her, so I do what I said, trying to see my beloved only in the evenings, when he is tired, comes to rest and receives a small massage that I can give him.

Yes, and while time flew by, I tried to follow the regime when I came to the dining room for food, and I tried to load myself less so that there would be no side effects on the baby growing inside.

One evening after Huang Hua's arrival, everyone could hear the announcement of the festive events planned for several days.

This made me a little happy, because there would be time to see Nevra and even take a walk together. After all, bosses are rarely loaded in such cases and they follow the schedule for rounds. Yes, and today the vampire came with a small smile on his face, put his arms around me and took me in his arms, circling me a little in place.

- Honey, have you heard about the holidays? Miko decided to give the guards a little rest and many prepared contests. You should definitely take part! - After the utterance, Nevra kissed me on the cheek and sat me on the bed, looking into my eyes.

- I heard and hope we can spend time together. – A little looking away, I said with a little sadness.

- Of course, I will not miss such a moment, but everything will start only tomorrow, so it's better for us to save our strength now and go to bed. - Helping to change clothes, my beloved said, I didn't mind, because sometimes nerves come at competitions, but I will try to remain calm.

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