"We have a job to do, Haley!"

Haley raises a questioning brow. "We do?"

"Finding this one-" she nudges me "a guy."

Haley's face turns into a smirk. "Truuuue!"

"No, no... guys..." I try, but to deaf ears.

"Sorry, y/n, we have to leave you for a while now." And so they do. "Mission rebound" I hear them giggle as they walk away.

I sigh, leaning back and sipping at my drink.

"You alright, darling?" his breath strokes my ear as he whispers to me.

"Tom." I smile, turning to him. I have a quick glance around to see if anyone is watching, before I finally meet those warm and inviting eyes. "I'm great."

"You look great." he says under his breath. "You are absolutely mesmerizing, y/n." He leans over me, closing the gap between us. Only stopping moments before our lips crash.

"You're one to speak." I can't even stop myself from biting my lip. I need him to kiss me. Right now. Luckily he does exactly that.

I can't even begin to describe how wonderful it is to feel his lips on mine, moving softly. He tastes sweet but with a hint of alcohol. As always kissing him makes every inch of my body long for him. It sends shock-waves through all of my cells. I need this man so badly, it's crazy.

We pull apart though, both looking nervously around. No one saw.

"Come on, y/n, let's go talk to Chris and Tom." He pulls me to my feet, before leading me through the crowd with a hand on the small of my back.

"Hi, guys." Tom smiles as we reach them.

"Hi, y/n! Glad to see you." The younger Tom smiles, giving me a hug.

"Happy to meet you again y/n." Chris nods, before leaning closer and lowering his voice. "Tom can't stop talking about you, you know."

I feel my cheeks burn and look up at Tom. He didn't hear, as he's talking to Holland. I can't believe he's talking to Chris about me. I didn't know that, but it makes me burst with happiness. It's almost silly, how such a little thing feels so big to me.

"Congratulations on the launch of your movie." I smile and turn to Holland. "Must've been hard keeping it a secret all this time?"

"You have no idea." He laughs. "After all I'm not the best when it comes to that."

"I think you did a great job this time around" Chris pats his shoulder.

We chat for a while, before Wrenn grabs hold of me at one point. "Ella and Haley are looking for you." She says, showing me to them.

Oh shit, I hope they haven't found me a... God, I think they have. They are standing over there, talking to a couple of guys, including Scott. I know I have seen the other guys before, but I can't quite remember any of their names, and I haven't met them before.

"There you are, y/n!" Ella shouts and pulls me into the group. She is already starting to stumble over her words.

"Hello." I smile.

"Hi, y/n, Nice to meet you, I am Jeremy Irvine." One of the guys reaches out a hand, and I shake it. "Nice to meet you too" I nod.

"And this is Douglas" Haley almost pushes me into the other guy.

"Oh, sorry." I excuse myself as he grabs hold of me to steady me. "No problem." He chuckles. Internally I'm screaming at Haley.

"Y/n y/ln" I introduce myself.

Inhaled - Tom HiddlestonWhere stories live. Discover now