26. I can be nude

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Since I have some free time before lunch, I make myself a proper chicken salad which I bring out to the table outside when it's nearing lunch-time. It's a beautiful warm and sunny day today, and we usually sit outside when it is. As the others are done with their scenes they sit down with me. Ella, Haley, Wrenn, Sam and Tom is already here now. Tom, who's sitting diagonally across from me, is reading a book.

"What are you reading?"

He looks up at me with a smile. "The Tempest"

"Shakespeare, right?"

"Absolutely correct. Work of art." He adds. "I've read it before of course, but it seems like every time I read Shakespeare I notice something new, or hidden meanings."

"I've actually never read Shakespeare..."

"You should. This is real literature."

Robbie sits down beside Tom. "I've read one of his works. It wasn't voluntary."

Tom chuckles and shakes his head before looking down continuing reading.

Suddenly Tanner drops down beside me and nudges me. I look up to see him wiggling his eyebrows at me. "So... You and Tom huh?"

My fork slips out of my hand and hits the bowl with a loud sound. "Uhm... What?" Both Ella and Haley are pressing their lips shut, trying not to laugh.

Has Sam told Tanner what he saw? Has he told anyone else...? My heart is racing as I look up at Tom. He looks at me over his book and chuckles by my reaction. My eyes go back to Tanner.

"What are you talking about?"

Tanner laughs. "You're going to have a sex scene, didn't you know?"

"Me and Tom?"

"Yes... Oh right, you weren't at the meeting." Tanner shakes his head.

"No. I was not." I'm still stunned and struggling to compose myself, as my heart is still beating fast in my chest. "Why haven't you told me?" I turn to Tom.

He shrugs. "I didn't think about it, thought you knew..." He excuses with a slight smile. "I think we'll get the script pretty soon."

As we speak, Mark and Jeffrey come over and sit down beside Tanner at the end of the table. "Tom and Y/n, we just need to talk to you about next week's scene."

Tom puts down his book and pays attention to them.

"Okay, y/n. I guess you've been told about the sex scene between Naomi and James by now?" Mark asks.

I shake my head slightly. "I just heard about it, right now." The others chuckle.

"Oh okay. Yes. It's going to be a bit different than the other ones you've done."

I listen as Jeffrey continues for Mark. "Because it's more passionate... not..."

"Not just me doing my job, being a whore, yeah I get it." I finish.
To laughs from some of the others.

"Yes, exactly." Mark nods. "So we just have to discuss some things."

"Yes, like last time, we have to ask what you're comfortable with." Jeffrey sighs, making it quite obvious that he thinks it's unnecessary.

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