2. If you still want to?

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I had trouble falling asleep yesterday, even though I was really tired. My mind was at a whole different place. All I could think about was Tom's lips and the way we danced.

When the alarm beeps I have trouble keeping my eyes open. But I have to get up, we are meeting for a breakfast together, all of the cast and crew. I get a plain dress on and brush out my hair. I don't care to put on any makeup. It's to early. Besides, I don't usually wear a lot of makeup anyways.

As I wait for the elevator, Wrenn comes up. She is one of my cast mates and incredible. Not only is she very talented, she is also so nice and gives so much of herself. She cares about everyone, and has already taught me a lot about acting. She is also a good friend of Tom's as I have understood it. I think she is in her mid thirties.

"Did you have a good time yesterday, y/n?" She asks me with a smile.

I nod and feel the blush settle as I think about Tom. I don't think she notices, luckily.

"I'm a bit tired" I laugh, and Wrenn nods understandingly.

The elevator is here now, and the doors open. There Tom is standing right in front of me. Even when he is tired he looks amazing.

"Good morning, y/n, Wrenn." he smiles to us. I feel his eyes resting on me.

"Morning." Wrenn greets.


We are fairly silent during the ride down. I do steal some glances at Tom now and then.

The silence is luckily enough not awkward. We are all too tired, and it's more an expected silence.

Tom gestures for us to walk out before him.

I usually don't like these dinners and breakfasts we do together, because I have no clue who to sit with or who to talk to. Not that anyone is mean to me or anything, I just feel awkward. I am not super close with anyone yet. Actually though, since last time I have gotten closer to both Wrenn and a girl named Ella. She is also a bit older than me, but that's fine. I am one of the youngest ones, so I didn't expect there to be many my age.

Wrenn and Tom walk over to a table where some people are already seated, including Ella. I just tag along. To my surprise Tom pulls out a chair for me. I thank him and sit down, he takes the seat across the table.

The breakfast is actually fun. I get to know the other actors we sit with, a lot better too. Robbie, who I have talked to on set a couple of times, is really funny and nice. As is Sam, though he is more silent. I had no idea Sam was British though, as I have never spoken to him in real life before. Sienna is, like Wrenn, straight up nice. She is more outgoing and feisty it seems like though.
I mostly talk to Tom, and when he jokes about something that happened on set the other day, neither of us can stop laughing.

"What's so funny?" Sienna asks.

Tom tells the others as well. It was in the shot that Tom and I did.

The others crack up.

"How old are you, y/n?" Robbie asks curiously. I knew this would come up. I really hate being so young and inexperienced. I throw a glance at Tom, who's taking a sip of juice waiting for my answer. I don't know if he even knows my age.

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