Geffri gulped. Jeffroy were a sore subject, the heir to a major house(over his older sisters) as he were stuck with a minor branch. It'd been so many years, too. Why couldn't he just be rid of the exile that'd passed on from his father's actions?

  "Yes... one from him too my lady." Geffri started. "But he is an arrogant, self serving piece of-"

  "And you aren't?" She interrupted. "That is simply the nature of all noblemen... and women too. You want the title that'll come with marrying me- no different than him."

  "His first wife apparently drowned herself to death in her tub after they'd been fighting for weeks." Geffri pointed out. "Is that really someone you want to be stuck with-"

  "No." The lady sighed. She pulled her hair back and to the right side, her finger catching on a tangle as it went down. She made a face as she held the tangle up to examine in- then another when she started pulling it apart. "In any case it doesn't matter. I am already betrothed."

  "Betrothals can be broken-"

  "I do not want to break it." The lady interrupted. "He will make a fine husband. He is a warrior and smarter than his own parents ever were-"

  "You sound like you're in love with him." Geffri scoffed. "Of course."

  The lady leaned forward, her expression stern and their faces only a few finger length's apart. She would not let herself be disrespected a lowly lord- especially one who offered her nothing."What is that supposed to mean?"

  Geffri gulped. She was fierce after all, it seemed. "I only meant... us nobles do not get to choose love marriages most-"

  "You sound like a fucking idiot." Vanora almost wanted to laugh. The lady stood up, heading for the door. "Do not waste my time again. I will sleep here tonight, and you will have my travel companion fed. Otherwise...count yourself lucky I'm in a merciful mood."

  She slammed the door, and then Vanora were left alone with Lord Geffri. He shook his head, glaring at the wall like he expected it to burst open and send sharp pieces flying down that hallway.

  "Yes..." he mumbled. "Princess."


  Chapter 168

Ocono 29th, 3329 A.G

   There were many, many people in the world who had it worse. Amira had taught him that. Common people who had to worry about whether or not their children were fed- and parents who ate like nobility as their children starved. He hadn't touched Melmidoc's mother in months- except for handoff's when he were allowed to hold the babe, but that changed nothing.

He would never understand parents who fed themselves as their children starved- as Amira's parents had done when she were young.

He had many things to live for- a healthy son, a girl who loved him, an at least partially respected position in the Vorynese court.

But he had reasons to wish for death too, and that were how he started most mornings. No matter how much time passed, no matter how many days- the images stayed in his mind. It didn't help that he weren't there. That would've provided some certainty, at least. And though they'd told him what happened, there  were certain things even they didn't know.

  How long did his parent's blood pour out of their bodies before they moved the bodies and cleaned it up? Were the heads displayed on spikes outside the main home's front entrance, the same way lords and ladies of the Great War had done? How long did they leave those up?

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