Xing The Rubicon

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It was the last day of school and everyone was excited with their plans for the holiday. Everyone was busy chit chatting while Irene and Seulgi was busy reading books. Wendy on the other hand she was busy watching the love of her life.

"Hey it's the last day of school why are you still reading books?" Wendy teased her friend.

"And why are you staring at him?" Irene teased her back.

"He's handsome." Wendy giggled.

Then Miss Sooyoung entered the class. She told everyone for the last history class she wanted everyone to present their research in front of everyone. 

"Can I have Irene and Wendy to present first?" Miss Sooyoung called out to the duo.

The two walked to the front with confident and presented their research, it was aspiring as Miss Sooyoung said and she praised the girls for doing such a good job with their research. 

"Next I would like to call out... Baekhyun who's your partner?" 

"It's Seulgi." Baekhyun said.

Seulgi then walked up from the back of the class and went to the front. She opened her notebook...


Miss Sooyoung and everyone in the class clapped their hands at Seulgi presentation. Who knew that Seulgi could actually be confident to speak in front as she always seem to be the quiet one in class. Miss Sooyoung was also impressed that her presentation was able to be related to our daily life which she praised Seulgi for. Those words from Seulgi really did left an impact on Wendy.

The bell rang indicating the last class of the semester is finally over. The students celebrated it with Joy. Everyone then is seen to be cleaning the class and writing down messages in everyone's album. Everyone was happy and sad during the last day except for Seulgi , she looked the same like every other day. Not sad nor happy. She was only looking out of the window the whole time. Minho then approached her. He gave Seulgi his album and asked her if she would like to write anything inside to then Seulgi nodded.

Seulgi wrote a message in there and gave back the album to Minho. Minho was beyond happy that Seulgi agreed to write a message for him. He was jumping around happily as if he had won the lottery. He decided not to read the message until he finally reached home. Seulgi just ignored him. If that is love then I suppose it's weirder than me she thought to herself.

Baekhyun on the other hand is seen to be hanging out with Wendy, writing down a message for each other. While Baekhyun was writing down the message he realized that the time is almost due. Wendy doesn't have much time left in this world. He turned to his left and saw that Wendy was smiling while writing down her message for him.

He toughen up as he felt Wendy cannot see him being sad in her final days as that would make her feel bad for herself. There is absolutely nothing that he can do about it, only to make full use of the time he had left. No other way except to move forward. 

After they were done exchanging message they handed over each other's album. Baekhyun was also nervous to see what Wendy wrote down for him.

"You're not going to read it?" Wendy asked him.

"I'll save it for later..." Baekhyun replied.

The time is finally here and everyone started to walk out of the school building heading back home. Irene was walking with Wendy, Minho was with Baekhyun and Seulgi was all by herself. They stopped in front of the building.

"So this is not where we part ways right?" Baekhyun asked the girls.

"Yeah we could still meet up anytime anywhere." Irene said.

"Cool!" Baekhyun said.

"Does that mean I can-" Minho was about to finish her sentence when Seulgi cut her.

"No." Seulgi immediately said. Minho was used to it at this point.

"You should give us a call whenever you feel like it." Wendy said to Baekhyun.

"I will." 

"I'll be waiting." Wendy said with a smile.

They all waved at each other and walked separately.

"Sigh isn't it great to be popular and friendly with girls?" Minho said to Baekhyun.

"You just need to be handsome haha." Baekhyun laughed at Minho.

"That's not helping man... speaking of help... I remembered you previously mentioned that you got an idea when you knew about Seulgi was my crush. What was the idea?" Minho asked him.

"Oh, at first I thought that if you were with Seulgi then I could use you to dig up some information about Irene as she seemed to know a lot about her, but then looking back at it, you don't stand a chance with her." Baekhyun explained.

"But you went out with her multiple times before." Minho was jealous.

"She was just tagging along so don't be too jealous." Baekhyun continued.


After a long walk Seulgi finally reached her home at sunset. She opened the door and the house was empty as usual her aunt is still busy with her work. She went to the kitchen grabbed a few ingredients and cook dinner. After the sun had set and the sky had turned dark her aunt finally came back home. She opened the doors and saw Seulgi was eating with her school uniform and apron on. 

"Did you cook all of this?" Her aunt asked her.

"Yeah..." Seulgi replied. It was her first time cooking she didn't know why she did it.

Her aunt put her bag at the side and sat down on the table. She took the chopstick and tried her niece's cooking. It was delicious. She was happy to taste a good meal after a hard day at work.

"Since when did you learn how to cook? You never cooked before in you life right?" Her aunt was curious why Seulgi started to cook.

"I don't know, I just felt like repaying you..." Seulgi said with her usual tone and mood.

"Repay me? repay what?" Her aunt continued.

"You love..." Seulgi said slowly as she was a little shy to say it out loud. When her aunt heard that she stood up and hugged her niece tightly. Seulgi felt the feeling that all this time she tried to understand.

𝙏𝙤 𝘽𝙚 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙...

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