Best Friends Forever

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The doctor closed the files and turned to Son Seung Wan's family who will be referred to as Wendy for the rest of the story.

"There are things in this world that we can't prevent I'm afraid, day and night, aging and so on..." The doctor said in a soft tone.

"It's okay doctor, we understand it, we truly do." Wendy's mother replied.

"Cancer is not something we doctor wish to deal with it's heartbreaking." The doctor adds.

"All of this is part of god's plan right? There will always be something that we could learn from it." Wendy's father continues.

Wendy just looked down refusing to raise her head even the slightest. Hearing that she has been diagnosed with cancer stage 4 surely hitted her hard. The pain that she bears only she and god knows.

"You could either spend your last moments happily or tied to the hospital bed even so it doesn't guarantee you any good outcomes..."

"Last moments? Do you mean she doesn't have alot of time left?" Wendy's mother expressed her worries.

"Around 3 months I can say, have hope because sometimes a miracle could happen and your daughter might actually be a survivor." The doctor gave them a hope.

Even so Wendy still refused to lift her head up as if she had already lost hope. Alot of thoughts is going through her minds right now. "Would I survive? What will happened to my parents if I die? I'm going to die soon..." Wendy's thoughts went wild.

She stood up left the room and walk towards the exit of the hospital. She stepped outside took a deep breath and turned to her left. There she saw her best friend, Bae Joo Hyun who will be referred to as Irene for the rest of the story.

Irene was her first friend and her best friend. During both of her ups and downs they were there for each other.
Irene was there standing eating a bread.

"Hey." Irene waved at Wendy with a big smile.

"You really came." Wendy walked up to her.

"I'm keeping our promises." Irene continues to munched her bread.

Wendy just smiled at her. Irene offered her piece of bread but she rejected it.

"It's okay I'm not in the mood to eat."

"Hmm you're not being your usual self, where did the Seung wan who likes to eat went?"

"You won't have any appetite when you just learned that you will die in 3 months."

Irene stopped munching her bread as she was speechless to heard it.

"Are you serious?"

"I'm diagnosed with cancer stage 4 and only have 3 months left to live what do you expect me to feel."

"Maybe this time I couldn't say I understand you but what else did the doctor said?"

"I could choose to be stuck in bed or just enjoy my "last moments"."

"And what is your choice?"

"I don't know what do you say?"

"Enjoy it!"

"Where's the enjoyment if I'm alone you still have class you know"

"Then come back to school and let's have fun there"

Suddenly Wendy pondered. That wasn't a bad idea she thought to herself if Irene is by her side then she is sure that it would be a great time. She always looked up to Irene as she is such an amazing person, to write down the reasons it would take hours.

Time Bound LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora